Sunday, January 26, 2025

Lessons in Enough

I thought I needed to earn more money.
Until I realized, I needed to do better things with my money.

I thought I needed more time.
Until I realized, I needed to do better things with my time.

I thought I needed more friends.
Until I realized, I needed to love and appreciate the friends I have, more fully.

I thought I needed more vigor and health.
Until I realized, I needed to make the best of the vigor and health, I already have.

I thought I needed more possessions.
Until I realized, I needed to cherish what I already own.

I thought I needed more thrills.
Until I realized, I just needed to look at the sky, to listen to a piece of music, or to watch a pet, to feel those thrills.

I thought I needed more wins.
Until I realized, how I handled insults, failures, and losses was far more important than wins.

I thought I needed more status.
Until I realized, respect comes from character, not titles.

I thought I needed more sophistication.
Until I realized, authenticity is the truest form of elegance.

I thought I needed more attention.
Until I realized, true fulfillment comes from giving attention, not receiving it.

I thought I needed more love.
Until I realized, I needed to show more gratitude for all the love and blessings I have received.

I thought I needed more control.
Until I realized, peace comes from letting go.

I thought I needed more of everything.
Until I realized, instead of yearning and grasping, all I truly needed was to appreciate what I already have. And that, in itself, is plenty.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sandcastles by the Sea

I need a place to play,
I need a place to pray.

I need a place to talk,
I need a place to walk.

I need a place to sow,
I need a place to grow.

I need a place to read,
I need a place to bead.

I need a place to think,
I need a place to drink.

I need a place to dance,
I need a place to prance.

I need a place to breathe,
I need a place to grieve.

I need a place to eat,
I need a place to meet.

I need a place to dream,
I need a place to steam.

I need a place to move.
I need a place to groove.

And then I realize,
That all is exactly as it should be.
Joy, abundance, awe, and love surround me—
A life that fits me perfectly.

And so, dear reader,
I live each day quietly and simply,
And I let the waves of life wash away the sandcastles of longing,
Leaving fresh shores behind for me.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

With a friend by my side

The road is less bumpy

With a friend by my side.

The hill is less steep

With a friend by my side.

The day is more sunny

With a friend by my side.

The sky is less cloudy

With a friend by my side.

The stars shine more bright

With a friend by my side.

The music is richer

With a friend by my side.

The sights are more fun

With a friend by my side.

The meals are more pleasurable

With a friend by my side.

The adventures are more engaging

With a friend by my side.

The darkness is less scary

With a friend by my side.

The shadows are not so spooky

With a friend by my side.

The world is a warmer, friendlier, place

With a friend by my side.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

You are truly, one of life's treasures.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

Knowing you has been one of my life's greatest pleasures.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

I am so grateful life threw us together.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

I am so glad we've known each other, like almost forever.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

Look after yourself, please do.

So we can continue to meet, talk, say hello, or do things together.

I look forward to plenty more of that, with you.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

Look after yourself, please do.

For if truth be told, I would not alter.

A single word of the history, of me and you.

Stay well, my friends, stay well.

Look after yourself, please do.

My world would be - well, I cannot even imagine what it would be.

If not for the presence in it, of friends like you.

Stay well, my friends,

Stay well!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

There's a comfort in the familiar

There's a comfort in the familiar
Which to each of us, is understandable and plain.
The worn sweater, the frayed nightdress
Someone calling us by a special name.

There's a comfort in the familiar
The favorite chair on which we sit.
Our favorite tea, the first thing we do, when we wake up
The flow of our daily routines and habits.

There's a comfort in the familiar.
The sights and sounds of our day.
The tv stations we watch, the music channels we listen to
All we do, as we work, and as we play.

There's a comfort in the familiar
Tending to the plants and animals in our care.
Opening the blinds to let in the sunshine
Opening the window to let in some air.

There's a comfort in the familiar
The people we run into regularly at different places.
The gal at the grocery store, the person at the pharmacy
The strangers in our lives, who have become well-known faces.

There's a comfort in the familiar
In talking to, or meeting, those who know us best.
Those who know the victories we have celebrated, and the losses we have mourned
And whose knowledge, wisdom, support, comfort, or company, have seen us through life's ups and downs, and its tests.

Yes, there's a comfort in the familiar
And it's time to give thanks, where thanks are due.
So without further delay, let me express gratitude for all, and everything, that's a familiar part of my life
And guess what - that includes you!

Thank you for being a part of my life, and wishing you the very best for 2025!