Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my family.  To my daughter. To my sisters and my brother, and their families.  To my nieces and nephews. To those in the Bay Area. To those in California. To those in Wisconsin. To those in Texas. To those in New York. To those in India. To spouses, daughters in law, sons in law,  to children, and grandchildren in the family,  to all who are connected to me through marriage.May each of you have a blessed Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my relatives.  To the relatives on my mother's side.  To the relatives on my father's side.  To the relatives through marriage.  To the relatives with whom I have shared good times. And the relatives with whom I will share good times in the future.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the people I have loved.  To all those who have touched my life, and all those whose paths have crossed with mine.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my managers and coworkers and all those who have been part of my professional life. To those I have learned from, and those who have let me teach them. To those who gave me opportunities. And those who took a chance on me. To those who challenged me.  And those who nurtured me.  To those who infected me with their enthusiasm and energy. And those who reached out and had my back. To those who turned a working relationship into an enduring friendship.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my neighbors. To my present neighbors and my past neighbors. To neighbors who have had me over.  To neighbors who became my friends.  To neighbors who have lent a helping hand.  To neighbors who have got me out of a jam. To neighbors who have stopped and exchanged a friendly word.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my friends.  To all the friends who let me into their lives.  To old friends and new friends.  To friends in India , friends in America, friends in Australia, and friends elsewhere.  To friends I have known for a long time, and friends I have known for a short time. To friends who helped me get acclimated in America.  And friends who helped me stay connected with India. To friends I have met through work, and friends I have met outside of work. To friends I have walked with.  And friends I have dined with.  To friends I have lived with. And friends I have visited with. To friends I have traveled with. And friends I have done taxes with. To friends I have long heart to hearts with.  And friends I have long lunches with.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the people I've learned from, or whose work I have taken pleasure in.  To the authors of books I have read.  To the artists whose work I have had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. To the directors, actors, producers and all the people involved in making the movies I've watched.  To the composers, performers and producers of the songs I've listened to; and the directors, actors and crew involved in the theatrical performances I have attended. To the people whose lives, or stories, have inspired me.

And finally, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my readers.  To the readers who have taken time from their busy schedule to read my posts.  To the readers who have commented on my posts.  To the readers who have given me feedback.  To the readers who publicize my posts through likes, pins, tweets and votes. To the readers who keep me going.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!


Unknown said...

A wonderful Christmas wish , Minoo!
Merry Christmas to you and Tanita!! And all the Lobo clan!!!

anonymous said...

Thank you for the post, Minoo.Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!Wishing you and Tanita a very Happy New Year!

Minoo Jha said...

Aarathi.....many thanks for your wishes. Happy New Year to you. Happy 2016. LOVE, Minoo

Minoo Jha said...

Berts....Happy New Year to you. Happy 2016.....Minoo