Sunday, May 15, 2022

Just When The Sun Shone So Bright

Just when the sun shone so bright

It slipped behind a cloud

I wondered where the light had gone

And I began to cry soft, not loud

Where are you light?

Where are you light?

Gloom enveloped me

It seemed like I would never be myself again

I was looking at a darkness as endless as the sea.


The gloom persisted

The clouds persisted

In vain, I hoped the sun would shine again

The gloom persisted

The clouds persisted

The beads of darkness were a never ending chain.


I said my prayers and I worked, played, and ate

I applied myself to the business of my days

The gloom persisted

The clouds persisted

The darkness was a never-ending maze.


And then one day the clouds parted

Breaking the spell the darkness had cast on me

And I hesitantly took a step forward into the light

Into a new hope and a new destiny

I was filled again with the inner uncorrupted child's sense of wonder

Which the darkness had all but tried to take away from me

Now the cloak of darkness was torn asunder

And my spirit was once again light and free.


The gloom had lifted

The darkness had lifted

The sun had again begun to shine

I wrapped myself in my shawl of promise, hope, faith, and purpose

And told myself, "Minoo, you will be fine".


Yes, the gloom had lifted

The darkness had lifted

And I could say and believe the thought, "Minoo you will be fine"

And it taught me that promise, hope, faith, and purpose awaits anyone who is suffering

When the journey is complete, and the dark night of the soul has been left behind.


Dear Reader - On the other side of an experience of suffering and the dark night of the soul is light. Not just the light of a candle. But a huge crackling fireplace radiating both warmth and light. There will be times in your life, perhaps maybe even at this very moment, when you feel lost, depressed, and  down. Your life is enveloped in darkness and you cannot conceive of a time when your life will be radiant again. At such a time,  you must look for the flicker of the smallest flame of hope, light, and life in your life - look for it in a bird, in the sunrise, in a beautiful work of art, in a simple gesture of kindness.  Don't ask yourself the question, "Am I finished with life?". Instead, ask yourself "Is life finished with me?".  "Is life finished with me?" The answer will always be "No". The answer will always be "No". So in a dark time, your task is then to take care of yourself, put one foot in front of the other, imagine the warmth and light of that crackling fireplace, or a thousand Diwali lamps, and hold onto every flicker of light and warmth in your life. Life is not finished with you. It will let you know when it is.

P.S. Posted in honor of  International Day of Light, which is tomorrow 5-16-22

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