Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Element of Sharing Our Thoughts and Its Hope for Benefiting From Each Other’s Knowledge, Ideas, Experience and Wisdom

Picture Courtesy: Kondo Yukihiro
Our thoughts are just as important as any of our other achievements.

We may not understand E=mc2. 

Which is why, many of us can relate to this joke sent to me by my friend Ajay.

However, even though we may not be able to understand Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, we can understand and relate to Einstein’s thoughts on other topics.

His thoughts on vegetarianism:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

Or his thoughts on imagination:
“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

His thoughts on compound interest:
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”

Or his thoughts on creativity:
“Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources”

These thoughts make us stop and reflect.

Einstein is one of the most quoted people, and I myself quote Einstein frequently.

Einstein, like Socrates, is one of the world’s greatest thinkers.

But the universe of thinkers is as large as we want to make it.

With a little effort – being an observer, and putting on our Wisdom Scout hats, we can discover that there are unlimited sources of knowledge, ideas and wisdom to help us learn and grow.

Recently I came across Christian Larson.

I found everything he had to say profoundly true.

I am providing a link to the quote pages assigned to him on Good Reads to see if you agree with me.

Christian Larsons’ Optimist Creed is so inspiring, I decided to reprint it here in full:

The Optimist Creed
by Christian Larson

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Then there is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev from India.

He caught my eye after I watched him answer the question “Is it wrong to love yourself?” in this You Tube video.

If we can learn from the thoughts of people like Einstein and Socrates, Christian Larson and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, we can also learn from every single person we meet in our lives.

Family and friends, for instance, can be wonderful sources of ideas, advice and wisdom, and I have fallen back on that many times in my life

It often starts with a question we have on our minds.

One Hand Tied Behind Their Backs

For instance, when I started this blog, I thought I would write advice for people facing a challenge or obstacle of some kind.

This explains why I wrote into the title of my blog, the words “for those with one hand tied behind their backs”.

However, I soon found myself wanting to spread my wings. I branched out into celebratory posts, narrative posts, reflective posts, and purely humorous posts such as my Big Bang Theory series and Twitter series of posts.

But every now and then, someone would stop and ask “Hey Minoo, what’s the deal with ‘one hand tied behind their backs’?”

I would be at a loss for words.

So I shared my concern with guest poster Ajay of A Short Stint in Advertising and Oh Bangalore fame. 

He said, “Minoo, it’s not a big deal. If you want to change the title, go ahead. But if you want to leave it as is, that’s okay too. People will look beyond the title.”

I have stopped worrying about the title ever since.

Opportunities we don’t see, Risks we are not aware of, and Fears that are overblown

Everything we are involved in can benefit from a thought-infusion.

Whether we are job hunting, selecting a career, facing relationship issues, or in need of financial guidance.

We should not only welcome other people’s thoughts, we should deliberately seek out other people’s thoughts.

People who appoint advisers and mentors to guide them are wise to do so.

An outside perspective can highlight opportunities we don’t see, risks we are not aware of, and fears that are overblown.

If we don’t find suitable people to ask, we can turn to books and the internet.

Thought Sharing on Minoo Jha Life Strategies

My blog is filled with examples of thought sharing.

In this post, you will learn how thought sharing got me to understand what is priceless.

In this post, you will learn how thought sharing helped me produce the defining ad campaign of my career.

This post tells you about my experiences with telepathic thought sharing. BTW, did you know Mark Twain believed in telepathic thought sharing. You will learn about his telepathic experience if you read the post.

This post was inspired by thought sharing.  So was this one.

In this post, you will learn how thought sharing gave me the idea to do Xactly training, leading to my role as an SPM Consultant. It enabled me to branch out from Excel and Centive to Xactly and Varicent; to branch out from Commissions Administration to Implementations and UAT testing; to branch out from calculations to writing documentation (FRDs, User Operation Guides and White Papers).

Never Let A Pal Down

Sometimes thought sharing will take place, not as an advisor and advisee, but as an exchange of wits.  

In response to my post The Nightdress Brigade about an escapade with my sister Rosie, reader Aarathi posed all these questions about the nightdresses involved in the post. I wrote the post The Question That Must Be Answered as a riposte to her questions.

Likewise, when guest poster Ajay dawdled in getting his P.G.Wodehouse guest post to me, I took matters in my hands and wrote Never Let A Pal Down to give him a gentle nudge.

(If you must know, the P.G. Wodehouse piece was in my e-mail box within a week of Never Let A Pal Down.)

Light a Fire, Get Out of a Funk, Get Something Straight

Thought sharing can light a fire under us.

It can give us new ideas.

It can get us out of a funk.

It can spark creative solutions to our challenges or problems.

And it can clear up ignorance.

The Biggest Refund

Tax-filing season is here.

It is a time when you will hear many people say, “I love my tax preparer – he always gets me a refund.”

And you will hear tax-preparers shouting from the rooftops, “we will get you the biggest refund.”

Only people who don’t know how taxes work will get all excited about this.

Refunds arise because of over-paying our taxes during the year.

It’s the numbers we put on our W4 and the tax events which happen to us during the year which determines what our tax obligation will be.

If we get that wrong, we will owe the IRS rather than get a refund.

I share my thoughts about this with people when I can.

The Truth Can Be a Hoot

If we don’t share our thoughts, people can labor under the wrong idea about something for a long time, even forever.

Some things are unimportant and it’s not a big deal. The truth can even be a hoot.

For instance, in 2008, my friend Krystyna (whom you met in the United States of Friendship Part 1) had not heard from me in a while and she discussed it with her husband. 

Krystyna’s husband speculated that I must have a new romantic interest in my life who was keeping me busy. Krystyna was doubtful, but now the bug was in her head.

So it was on her mind when we met for lunch shortly after.

During lunch, we gabbed about this and that, but the conversation yielded nothing about the suspected “romantic interest”.

Finally, Krystyna came right out and asked me why I had been incommunicado for several months, and she told me what her husband had said.

I laughed. “Do you want to know the real reason why you haven’t heard from me?” I said.

Krystyna was surprised by what I had to say next.

“I have been spending all my free time following the elections.” I said.

Krystyna almost fell off her chair

“But, Minoo, I have never known you to have an interest in politics!”

We tend to think of people as fixed points.

But people can change and do change.

The atheist can turn spiritual.

The drinker can become an abstainer.

The believer can become a non-believer.

And the apolitical can become political. (the fact the economy was in shambles, and the Democratic candidates included Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton had something to do with my sudden interest, I have to admit)

Also, we must understand there will always be sides to people we may never know about.

The Tomboy who loved TV Soaps

She liked to climb trees, ride bikes, get into scrapes, hang with the boys. 

But when it came time for her favorite soap to be aired, (apparently a really romantic mushy one) April would head home and settle in front of the TV to watch.

There was a girly-girl side to April her tomboy friends had no idea about.

Cookie-Cutter Conclusions

It is easy to read any situation wrong.

In our house, the two series currently being watched on Netflix are Desperate Housewives and Glee.  You might assume Minoo is watching Desperate Housewives, Tanita is watching Glee. 

Gotcha!   Minoo is watching Glee and Tanita is watching Desperate Housewives. See how easy it is to assume things.

The Truth Will Set Us Free

The truth can be funny, the truth can be surprising.

The truth can also be sad or shocking

But we must welcome the truth.

Because it will set us free.

Even when the truth breaks our hearts, and we find out our heroes are not heroes, or our knights in shining armor are not our knights in shining armor, the truth will set us free.

Here’s a true story someone told me.

The Boy at The Bus Stop

Once upon a time, there was a girl who took the bus to college.

She got on the bus at the second stop on its route.

One day when she got on the bus, among the people on the bus was a nice-looking boy.

When the bus stopped at the college, he got off with her, at which point she realized he went to the same college.

Thereafter, they would exchange looks when they saw each other on the bus.

Now as you may know, a single look can be spun by a romantic heart into an imagined fantasy of ever-lasting love - complete with a happy ending, and this is exactly what happened.

The girl fell madly in love with the boy. She decided they were an item based on the fact they exchanged looks on the bus. She started talking about him to her friends and dreaming up a future with him.

One day when the love-struck girl walked to her bus stop, she found the boy there. Her heart skipped a beat.

He was smoking a cigarette. They exchanged a few words.

The girl was over the moon.

She took the fact he was at her bus stop as a sign he was interested in her and wanted to take it further.

He was at her bus stop every day after that day.

She would walk to the bus stop and sure enough, she would see him sitting there smoking a cigarette.

Other people often see things more clearly than us in these types of situations.

The girl’s friends saw the young man with other girls at college and suspected it was all in the girl’s mind.

There was only one way to find out. They asked someone to ask the boy about his feelings for this girl.

The boy was shocked to find out the girl thought he was interested in her.

He said he had started taking the bus from the next stop only because he wanted to have a couple of cigarettes before he got on the bus.

And he was just making polite conversation with her whenever he talked to her.

The girl of course was furious and heartbroken. She believed she had been led on.

But at least now she knew the truth, and was free to pursue other romantic interests. And he in no longer being the object of an unreal infatuation, was also set free.

We should not let people labor under a mistaken assumption.

Even if sharing our thoughts with someone may not necessarily change their mind, we owe them the truth – however tough it is to hear.

Sharing Our Thoughts About Life

Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living.

One of the reasons I write this blog is because it forces me to examine my thoughts about everything in life.

And I share these thoughts on the blog because I really do believe, as the title of this post says, we can benefit from the exchange of each others' thoughts.

In fact, I believe our thoughts are just as important as any of our other achievements.

Thoughts and Music are Indestructible

When you think about it, the Pyramids and other long lived structures notwithstanding, only thoughts and music are indestructible.

Someone will pass a thought to us and it will live in our heads, and then we pass it on to someone and it will live in that person's head, and it will live in the next person's head and then be passed on by her or him. Thoughts get passed again and again. They have a fantastic natural distribution system.

So take a moment to think about your thoughts on everything in life and then pass them on.

Share your thoughts with your kids especially.

“But Minoo, how can I share my thoughts with my kids when they will not give me any of their time?” you may say.

Well, then, the next best thing is to record your thoughts.

On a blog

On a tape

On a video

If you are not comfortable putting yourself out like that, write your thoughts in a journal.

Or pen a series of love letters to your family sharing your thoughts.

Sooner or later, trust me, they will get read.

I know there are all these thoughts running in your head which no one knows about.

I hope this post inspires you to get started with sharing them.

Hurray to that.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day and week….M…..a Pearl Seeker and Thought Sharer like you. Thanks to Ajay, Christine, David, Nina and others for your feedback on my last post.  Much appreciated!


Unknown said...

Very thought-provoking , brilliantly written and offers a deep insight into human psyche...keep it up, Minoo!!!

Unknown said...

On reflection, you were right Minoo to leave the name as it is, for many of us face the challenge of overcoming life's challenges despite our limitations, attitudinal and situational ( one hand tied behind our backs!) - Ajay