Sunday, May 12, 2013

The United States of Friendship Part 8 - Julia

Taken from The Green Smoothie Pinterest Board

Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie


I/2 bunch of spinach


1 (previously frozen banana), peeled

2 cups soy milk or water

8 oz. fat free yoghurt

6 previously frozen strawberries

6 baby carrots

Step 1: Blend

Step 2: Pour

Step 3: Drink and say cheers to your health and the health of your friends

The United States of Friendship Part 8 – Julia

“Hi there”

“Who’s that?” I asked? There was no one in the room. Just me and my laptop plugging away at an FSD ( Functional Specifications Document ) for a Varicent implementation.

“Your taste buds” said a chorus of voices.

“My taste buds!” I exclaimed, “I’ve had Cheburashkas talk to me, birds talk to me, spiders talk to me. I’ve never had taste buds talk to me!”

“We’re here to talk to you about Julia” said one of the taste buds.

“Julia?” I asked, surprised, “why Julia?”

“She’s messed up our lives!” said one of the taste buds.

“How could that be?” I asked. “Julia is a positive influence on anyone she meets.  If I am eating healthy, it’s thanks to Julia.”

“That’s just it,” said one of the taste buds, “Healthy is not a good word in our book.Tasty. Yummy. Lip-smacking good.  Those are the words we like. But those words can be used on almost none of the foods you eat today…. thanks to Julia…

“First it was sugar, she talked you into cutting that out” ….

“Then it was sweeteners, she talked you into cutting that out”…..

“Potato chips were the next thing to go - something about trans fats,”

“Hold on”, I said, these are all good changes….good for my heart. Good for my arteries. Good for my pancreas.”

“Your pancreas! Of all things” said one of the taste buds.

“Who would you want to have at a party? Your pancreas? Or us? Huh? Huh?”

“When David or Mohammed makes their yummy biryani, or Rosie makes her delectable appams & stew, who do you want?  Your pancreas, or us? Huh. Huh….?”

“When Pete hosts one of his sensational barbecues, who do you want - us, your taste buds, or your pancreas?” Huh? Huh?”

“When a slice of Persimmon Cake, or Sweet Potato Pie, or Freshly Baked Bread is put in front of you; or lunch is Crockpot Stew or Kari Udang Dan Terung or Stuffed Bell Peppers…..?”

“I get it. You, my taste buds” I said.

“Speak up.”

“You, my taste buds!”  I said louder.

“We thought so.   So before things get any worse and all the taste is sucked out of your life and ours, we want you to cut ties with Julia.”

“Cut ties with Julia?  I couldn’t possibly do that,” I said… “I like her too much.”

“Like her too much? What do you like?  Tell us….because we can’t see what there is to like about her.  To us she is raw carrots and celery and smoothies with avocado and spinach in them. No, really, what is it you like about her?”

“Well, for one thing, Julia’s an analytical chemist who works in the pharmaceutical industry,” I said, “so she tells me lots of interesting things about medicines,” I said. 

“Like what?” asked a taste bud.

“All sorts of things.  Here’s one – did you know the blood thinner Coumadin was initially developed as a rat poison to kill rats?  You can google it and check it out. I’ve learned many interesting things from her like that.  Heard about drug delivery? It’s an area of pharmaceuticals where they do research on the best way to get a drug to the exact site in the body where it is needed, without it getting degraded by stomach acids and enzymes or causing harm to other organs and tissues. If there are patches, inhalable medications, medication released through stents, and surgically implanted pumps today, it’s because of developments in drug delivery. Soon Type 1 diabetics will even be able to inhale their insulin.

“What else do you like about Julia?” said one of the taste buds.  I could tell they wanted me to go on.

“She has good values. So some of the things she’s said to me have become philosophical touchstones in my life. Let me tell you a story…

“One day, Julia and I were sitting outside the karate place waiting for our daughters to get done with karate class.  “Minoo, let’s get some tea, Julia said. 

“I remember I was always fascinated with Julia’s Goldilocks maneuver with tea.  If it was too cold, she would add a few drops of warm water to it. If it was too hot, she would put an ice tube or two in it.

“Anyway, sipping from my Goldilocked tea, I said to her ‘Hey, Julia, I am thinking of leaving Palm. There’s an opening at a Johnson and Johnson company in Fremont for a Commissions Manager and I am tempted to apply because it will mean a step up and more money. 

“I continued “I’ll have to drive 32 miles each way and I won’t be able to work from home anymore.  (At Palm where I was employed at the time, I was allowed to work from home 3-4 days a week). So I am wondering if it will be worth it – I guess it will if they compensate me adequately for the loss of that benefit, give me x amount of money more. But what is that amount?  I am having a hard time figuring that out.  What do you think? What dollar value should I put on not being able to work from home and be there for Tanita and my Mum?  I threw out a number at her.  Julia’s reply was instant: ‘Minoo, you can’t put a dollar value on that - it’s ‘priceless.’

“I was to remember those words many times in the following year when I accepted that new higher paying job at the medical company, only to find myself profoundly unhappy.  She was right. Working from home and being able to be with Mummy and Tanita was indeed ‘priceless’. Neither the money nor the prestige of my Manager title was able to compensate for it.”

This story was greeted by silence from the taste buds.

Then one of them piped up and said, “What else do you like about her?”

“Julia is one of the kindest, most un self-centered people I know.  That’s another reason I like her. If a friend or acquaintance is in some kind of distress, she reaches out instantly.  A month after my mother died, she sent me a gift card for a massage at a spa. Two years ago, when we thought Tanita might have IBS, she sent us some hard-to-find nutritional products she thought might help. When I was looking for work, she sent me material she had received from an outplacement company. She never thinks twice about doing things like that for people. Truly, she is one of the kindest people I know. I feel blessed to know people like that, people such as Julia and Janet and my brother David.

My taste buds didn’t say anything to that, so I decided to go on….

“I also like Julia’s sense of style.  She has a talent for working with fabric and jewelry and she can embellish an ordinary object such that you wouldn't recognize it when she's done. She is also naturally elegant and composed. When you are around Julia, whether you are an adult or kid, you will find yourself inclined to exercise more calmness and restraint than you normally do, just because Julia is that way. I used to compliment her about this saying, “All kids should be sent to the Julia Finishing School….

“Should I go on?” I asked the taste buds.  They nodded.

“Like me, she’s into books.  She has introduced me to many good books and stories over the years. The Crimson Sails story is one of my favorites. You can read about it and download it for the Kindle here – it is a beautiful love story. Why didn’t I think of it when I wrote my post Happy New Dear?....

One of the taste buds prompted me to go on with a “What else?”

“And of course, everyone knows she’s been a big influence on my eating habits.”

At this the taste buds perked up.

Out of thin air appeared some ear plugs.

“Here” said the taste buds.

“What are these for?” I asked.

“For when Julia calls you next and starts talking nutrition. Go ahead and listen to her talk about medicines, talk to her about your job, about books and stories like the Red Sails story.  Just put those ear plugs in your ears when she talks nutrition and we’ll be happy.”

“That’s a tough promise….I’ll try.” I said.

“Can you promise to have lunch with Nina at least once a quarter?” they said.

I paused, but only for a moment.

“Yes?” they asked again.

“Deal,” I said, secretly chuckling.

Because it was time for me to make that infamous Julia spinach and avocado smoothie!

Thank you Julia. I am grateful for all the different things our friendship has brought me over the years, including your excellent nutritional advice. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

Dear Reader – thanks for coming along with me on this memoir about a cherished friendship and Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.  As you can see, a muse can be a Cheburashka, a bird, a spider, or even your taste buds. I look forward to reading your memoirs. Hope to see you next week for the next installment of the United States of Friendship …..M…..a Pearl Seeker like you.


Unknown said...

I like it Minoo,keep it up!

Minoo Jha said...

Here's to driving the taste buds crazy and living to a healthy old age :):):)