Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Word God

I was standing at the gates of Communication Heaven

When the Word God said to me:

Did you use big words to talk to, or write to people?

Or did you speak and write simply?


"What's wrong with pantheistic, megalomanic, supercilious, solipsistic?" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" the Word God declared

"I'll tell you what's wrong.  Few people understood the words you were using

But you were so stubborn, you never got that into your head."


"You wasted people's time with words like apocalyptic, antediluvian, superlative, and cosmopolitan," the Word God added,

"Boring people and eating up precious hours of their day.

Every human who met you had to spend hours with a dictionary,

Just to figure out what you were trying to say."


"But, but, but...they were in the dictionary" I protested.

"No ifs and buts" said the Word God, "Haven't I made it plain?"

"But, but, but..." I said, interrupting the Word God again

The Word God grew stern and said, "let me finish what I am sayin".


I kept my cool, even though I wanted to protest,

And to make a case to enter Communication Heaven, big words and all

But the stern look on the Word God's face,

Told me that I would need to dump my apocalyptic, antediluvian, superlative, and cosmopolitan baggage,

If I had any chance of entering Communication Heaven at all.


I looked so sad and worried about my future prospects in Communication Heaven

That the Word God decided to have mercy on me,

"Tell you what, I will let you go back to where you came from," the Word God said,

"And I will arrange for you to have a career in which you learn simplicity."


And this how I came to be a copywriter, dear reader

It was just so that I could learn to read and write simply

And to help me say goodbye to words like praetorian, didactic, edacious, surreptitious

Even though, we both know (shhhh...don't say anything to the Word God),

Those words are in every dictionary!


Oh, for those ornate, opulent, sumptuous, luxurious, magnificent, and splendorous words! Sadly, they had to go the way of the dosa for me.


If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy:

The 7 Letter Words - the tale of the most frustrating and memorable scrabble game I ever played

The Mangalorean & The Big Words - never met a Mangalorean who didn't love big words.

Words Vs Numbers - a bit of whimsy about the career switch I had to make when I upped and moved to America.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Abundance Mindset

When you accept that you make mistakes
And you don’t look for someone to blame
You will have a better chance of reaching abundance in your life
Instead of making the same painful mistakes again and again.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.


When you are grateful for what you have
And you stop letting comparisons with others cause you strife
You will discover it is a stepping stone to less pain and disappointment
And the path to living a more abundant life.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.


When you are willing to see things for what they are
And to fix what you need to alter or repair
You will no longer go round and round in a cycle of missteps and misunderstandings
And you will find yourself breathing a more abundant air.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.


When you are prepared to see things from a different angle
And not just from what your heart desires, and what your head thinks
When you step out of a deprivation mentality
You will discover what an abundant mindset can bring.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.

Aim to become healthier and to deal with disappointments more rationally and compassionately
Aim to develop your body, soul, and mind
Aim to replace old habits with new positive ones
Aim to find yourself in a more abundant place, one thought at a time.

Better your chances, dear reader
Find someone to imitate or to listen to, rather than just the voice inside
Imitate those with a sense of abundance, and do what they are prepared to do
Set sail for the more abundant side.

Set sail with a cargo of changed ideas
Set sail with a cargo of abundant, life-giving habits and views
Don’t think you know the answer to everything, dear reader
You don't, because if you did, you wouldn't be in your shoes.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.


Take my words to your heart, dear reader
Take the focus on abundance to your heart
Replace a deprivation mindset with an abundant one
Today is the perfect day to start.

Change what you do by force of habit, dear reader
Change the words you say and the actions you repeat, time after time
Change all the repeated actions that have not been serving you well
Change what you think, say, and do in the daily hours of your time.


So they won’t cause the same problems for you or anybody else
So they won't cause the same problems for you or anybody else time after time
Make the change in your heart, mind and spirit, dear reader
Come out of the dark, stormy clouds of disgruntlement
Set sail for the abundance sunshine.


Dear reader, wishing you a speedy journey into the abundance sunshine.
In your heart, mind, and spirit.
That's where it matters!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Busy Busy Busy

Busy, busy, busy

Busy with work

Busy with work that anyone can do


Thinking it's all you can do

All you can do.


Busy, busy, busy

Making money and paying bills

In ways that may not be aligned with what's sacred or important to you

What's sacred or important to you


Thinking there's nothing you can do

Nothing you can do.


Busy, busy, busy

Paying for and maintaining

The big house, the relatively new car, the sparkling shiny things

Ignoring the joy and meaning that simple (and in many cases free) things bring

Simple and free things bring.


Busy, busy, busy

Keeping up with Facebook , Instagram, Twitter, the boasts, the whines, the shouts for hours and hours a day

Looking for validation, fearing you might be left out, or no one may care what you have to say.


Giving so much of your power, freedom, and well-being away

Power, freedom, and well-being away.


Busy, busy, busy

Playing the game of life by other people's rules

Using other people's yardsticks to decide what is cool.


The perfect address, the perfect looks, the perfect rituals

The perfect address, the perfect looks, the perfect rituals


Wanting to give off the appearance of being well-heeled or cool

Well-heeled or cool.


Busy, busy, busy

Letting the shows and ads on tv pull your strings

Giving into ever new ways to throw money down the sink.


Bigger, better, more convenient, more cool, so fetching, so yummy

Newer and newer ways to be enticed, to throw money down the sink, to keep you ever on the financial brink.


And this is how an unsatisfying life takes on a life of its own

Holding us hostage in a joyless, hopeless, profitless zone

Where we sing a false song with a jaded melody, beat, and tone

And what’s worse, all it does is to make us feel all alone

Feel all alone.

Feel all alone.


Until the day we decide to be brave, change direction, and say enough is enough

I’ve had it. This is too much.

Simple and real is better

I’m done with all this pretense and all this stuff.


That is our first day of freedom!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

How Do I Overcome My Fear Of Being Criticized?

The answer to that question is to be more open about your mistakes, or your lack of knowledge.

Bring your mistakes, and lack of knowledge, or skill, to the attention of your boss, or team-member, before those things are pointed out to you.

You may get criticized for reporting a mistake.

When you report a mistake, your boss (or the team-member who has been tasked with guiding you) may say - “how could you do that? you should know better”. Or “I am surprised a person with your experience is making so many mistakes”. Or “You should know this by now.”

You may get criticized for your lack of knowledge.

When you say you don’t know something, or need help with something, again your boss, or a team-member may say - “I thought you should know this by now”. “I am surprised that you don’t know this in spite of your experience". Or "in spite of your background". "Or in spite of the fact you went to X school." Or “why are you taking so long on this?”

The varieties of criticisms are endless - and depend on the quirks, habits, professionalism, and the patience (or impatience), even the mood of the criticizer.

Though you run the risk of being criticized in these, and other ways, I advise you to report your mistakes and lack of knowledge, rather than have someone point out those mistakes, or lack of knowledge to you.

And if you are not aware of a mistake, when you make it, and you then face a backlash of criticism for that mistake, you should say “I’m sorry. I will make sure this doesn’t happen in the future. Let me see what steps I can take.”

By committing to that, you take ownership.

And taking ownership puts you in control.

Only by taking ownership, can you avoid future events, like the one that made you a target of criticism.

The criticism may be over a minor thing in your eyes, but clearly it is major to the criticizer, and made them annoyed or irritated.

By taking ownership, you will come up with things to avoid future criticism on that front, like following a checklist, or having a 2nd set of eyes look over your work.

Likewise, only by taking ownership, can you overcome the gaps in your knowledge.

By taking ownership, you can prepare a list of questions in the areas in which you are not sure you have the right picture, or the right knowledge, or the right steps.

Taking ownership puts you in control.

You are in control, even when you fail.

The difference is:

…being on a surfboard, surfing a wave, falling off the surfboard, and into the waves. You are the one who chose to surf that wave, and so you will get back on your surfboard and surf the wave again.

Compare that with being on a sailboat (and not the one who is sailing it), falling off the boat, and into the waves. You are likely to get real upset about falling into the waves, because you are not the one sailing the boat. In fact, you will probably criticize the person sailing the boat. You get to be the criticizer.

The surfer is in control.

The passenger on the sailboat is not in control.

Be the surfer on the surfboard.

Fall into the water.

And get up again.

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to take ownership.

They are willing to face wave after wave of criticism, and to take the necessary steps to avoid future criticisms.

Successful people are willing to get back on the surfboard and ride the waves again.

And not just when they are starting out.

Even when they are experienced, in spite of all the experience (and accomplishments) they have behind them, they are willing to hear out criticism, and improve in the areas in which they are criticized.

“But Minoo, what if the criticism is ridiculous? Why should I pay any attention to it?”

“Isn't that like being back in school, dealing with teachers who had the most arbitrary rules?”


If the criticism is unfair, unethical, and completely ridiculous, then you should make the criticizer aware of it.

Give them your point of view and hear their point of view.

Unless they are outright bullies, they will hear your point of view, and become more mindful about future criticism.

That is an example of taking ownership too.

Being unafraid to express your point of view.

Note: when you express your point of view, it should be done in a rational, unemotional way.

If you are emotional, wait for your emotions to subside before expressing your point of view.

Be the surfer on the surfboard, not the passenger in the sailboat, even when you are doing that.

Be the surfer on the surfboard.

Not the passenger in the sailboat.

In every circumstance in your life!

In your professional life.

In your personal life.

It goes without saying that everything I have said in this piece is relevant to your personal life, and your personal mess-ups too, including your financial situation, your health, and your relationships.

An interesting after-note: Gary Vaynerchuck would have us take responsibility for falling off the sailboat, even if we are not sailing the sailboat, because we have chosen to be on the sailboat. Makes us think - which sailboats are we choosing to be on, which we shouldn't be on, if we are not prepared to take responsibility in the event the boat (or us) topples into the waves. I have been on some sailboats (this one and this one) that I didn't want to be on. Gary also talks about not getting soft after becoming successful in this post and other posts. Thank you, Gary for making us think about taking responsibility for everything in our lives. And thank you Jordan Peterson too. You have been another voice for taking responsibility, though when it comes to your gender views, I would like my voice and my message to be heard rather than yours.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Are You A Responsible Person? Take the Test...

Do you keep your word?

You are a responsible person.

Are you careful with things that are entrusted to you?

You are a responsible person.

Are you careful with the money that you earn?

You are a responsible person.

Are you careful with the human beings, or with the pets who are entrusted to your care?

You are a responsible person.

Do you do the big and small tasks you are expected to do?

You are a responsible person.

Do you meet your deadlines?

You are a responsible person.

Are you punctual?

You are a responsible person.

Do you do your fair share?

You are a responsible person.

Do you dress appropriately, wake up and go to bed at appropriate times, consume food and drink appropriately?

You are a responsible person.

Do you hold down a job?

You are a responsible person.

Do you do the things you need to do in a timely manner, fix things you need to fix, respond to communications, show up when you need to show up?

You are a responsible person.

Were you able to answer yes to most of these questions?

Perfect! Keep up the good work!

Were you able to answer yes only to some of them?

Perfect! 2023 is here!

You can include the ones you weren't able to say yes to in your New Year resolutions.

Remember, failures of responsibility are usually failures of attention, failures of deciding and sticking to principles, failures of system, or failures of keeping to a workable system.

How can you be more attentive, improve your systems, decide and stick to your principles, and be more rigorous in following your systems in the year ahead?

I will leave you to think about that.

Happy New Year! And if some area needs it, Happy New You!

Suggested additional reading: Stay On The Safe Path and Bad Minoo. Because Bad Santa is For the Movies. And this from Paul Graham, How to Lose Time and Money (