Sunday, January 15, 2023

Busy Busy Busy

Busy, busy, busy

Busy with work

Busy with work that anyone can do


Thinking it's all you can do

All you can do.


Busy, busy, busy

Making money and paying bills

In ways that may not be aligned with what's sacred or important to you

What's sacred or important to you


Thinking there's nothing you can do

Nothing you can do.


Busy, busy, busy

Paying for and maintaining

The big house, the relatively new car, the sparkling shiny things

Ignoring the joy and meaning that simple (and in many cases free) things bring

Simple and free things bring.


Busy, busy, busy

Keeping up with Facebook , Instagram, Twitter, the boasts, the whines, the shouts for hours and hours a day

Looking for validation, fearing you might be left out, or no one may care what you have to say.


Giving so much of your power, freedom, and well-being away

Power, freedom, and well-being away.


Busy, busy, busy

Playing the game of life by other people's rules

Using other people's yardsticks to decide what is cool.


The perfect address, the perfect looks, the perfect rituals

The perfect address, the perfect looks, the perfect rituals


Wanting to give off the appearance of being well-heeled or cool

Well-heeled or cool.


Busy, busy, busy

Letting the shows and ads on tv pull your strings

Giving into ever new ways to throw money down the sink.


Bigger, better, more convenient, more cool, so fetching, so yummy

Newer and newer ways to be enticed, to throw money down the sink, to keep you ever on the financial brink.


And this is how an unsatisfying life takes on a life of its own

Holding us hostage in a joyless, hopeless, profitless zone

Where we sing a false song with a jaded melody, beat, and tone

And what’s worse, all it does is to make us feel all alone

Feel all alone.

Feel all alone.


Until the day we decide to be brave, change direction, and say enough is enough

I’ve had it. This is too much.

Simple and real is better

I’m done with all this pretense and all this stuff.


That is our first day of freedom!

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