Sunday, July 29, 2018

How To Live A Good Life – Part 2

Do Less Of The Things That Will Set You Back.
Do More Of The Things That Will Get You Ahead.
Cooperating with others will get you ahead.
Competing with others will set you back.
You should play every game in life, as if it were a team sport.
In a team sport, if you are not a team player, it will be game over before you can say game.
Outside of team sports, it’s the same.
Team players succeed more than non team players in every sphere.
Want to multiply your chances of success, satisfaction and fulfillment?
Become a team player.
Employers like team players, because they get the work done, without being problems.
There are enough problems with the work itself, without interpersonal problems being problems. 
So become a team player.
Managers like team players.
HR likes team players.
And team members like team players, but of course!
So even if you are the LeBron of your team, the one who makes an outsize contribution, guess what – being a team player will take you further, and not being a team player, will only set you back.
Supercharge your success by being a team player, cooperating with others, and creating win-win situations wherever you go.
It’s the best way to be a friend to yourself.
Being patient will get you ahead.
 Being impatient will set you back.
You can’t click your fingers and expect things to fall into place, and go your way.
The wheels of success turn differently at different times, and in different places.
Sometimes problems have to be sorted out, before you can see a glimmer of success.
You got to have patience.
Don’t give up hope, if things seem to be going the wrong way.
Apply yourself with patience.
Eventually, things will go the right way.
Just look at what happened to the US housing market, the US stock market, and the US job market, in the last decade.
There was a giant backwards move, which shook everyone’s lives to the core.
But the wheels eventually started turning positively again.
Patience, faith and time were all that were needed.
Patience, faith and steady application, is how most successful and content people succeed.
Become one of them.
Don’t let impatience derail your chances of success.
Apply yourself patiently… and slowly, but surely, things will work out.
Being respectful will get you ahead.
Being disrespectful will set you back.
Respect is the foundation of healthy relationships and healthy communication.
Respect makes people feel big.
Disrespect makes people feel small.
If you make people feel small, what do you think will happen?
They will not want to have anything to do with you. 
You can be magnetic, or you can be distasteful to people.
The higher the regard you have for people, all kinds of people, not just the people you think are capable and successful and worthy of your regard, the more magnetic you will be.
The lower the regard you have for people, the more distasteful you will be.
Respect is the foundation of team-work and very important on the job.
Many foolish young people (still at the stage of sowing their Howard Roark oats) disregard the value of respect.
They don’t realize it’s the cornerstone of success.
Don’t be one of those foolish young people.
Supercharge your success by showing respect to everyone you meet.
It’s another good way to be a friend to yourself.
Being helpful and considerate to others will get you ahead.
Being unhelpful and inconsiderate to others will set you back.
How willing are you to help others with your skills, knowledge and insights?
If you are, you will experience more success.
I embraced this principle, and became deliberate about applying it.
It helped me to increase my network of “happy clients” and “happy friends”.
You see the benefits immediately of putting the wind in someone’s wings, or opening someone’s eyes to insights, or helping someone in an intellectual jam.
And you earn gratitude, brownie points, and repeat business for it.
So what’s not to like.
Supercharge your success by being helpful and considerate.
It’s another wonderful way to be a friend to yourself.
Do more of the things that will get you ahead.
Do less of the things that will set you back.
These are some of the prerequisites of a good life!
Thanks for the feedback, (comments, likes, shares) on Part 1 and 2 of this series. I appreciate the kudos from old friends, new friends, and relatives who have become friends. You keep me going.
NEXT, Thanks to all readers, current and     future, for sharing my journey to wisdom,       meaning and a better life.  Like you, I am trying    to find my way through this complex maze we   call life, and I am honored to have you share     my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom   hidden in plain sight.
FINALLY, A Happy Birthday shout-out:  to those with July birthdays. Use your birthday month to do less of the things which will set you back, and do more things that will get you ahead.

Have a blessed week, and hope to see you next week.

P.S. Not sure if you have time, but if you do, you may enjoy these other posts:
The United States of Friendship – Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6,Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12

Managing Your Money
Simplifying Your Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
Learning to Laugh
Learning to Relax
Pursuing A Dream
Changing in Good Ways

Sunday, July 22, 2018

How To Live A Good Life

Do Fewer Things You Are Not Proud of.
Do More Things That Will Make You Proud.
Being brave will make you proud.
Letting fear get the better of you will not make you proud.

“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.” —Helen Keller
Being quick to adapt will make you proud.
Being easily discouraged will not make you proud.

“You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.” – Denzel Washington
Helping others win will make you proud.
Wanting victory only for yourself will not make your proud.

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar
Being disciplined will make you proud.
Slacking off will not make you proud.

“Almost every problem people face in their careers and other aspects of their lives – such as failed diets, marriages, and financial problems – are all the result of not taking enough action.” – Grant Cardone
Exhibiting self-control will make you proud.
Being unable to resist what you know is not good for you will not make you proud.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
Being independent will make you proud.
Being dependent will not make you proud.

“If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
Reaching or exceeding a goal will make you proud.
Giving up will not make you proud.

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this; you haven’t.” – Thomas Edison
Tackling a problem or challenge will make you proud.
Ignoring problems and challenges will not make you proud.

 “The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi 
Making amends will make you proud.
Holding a grudge will not make you proud.

“The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” – Tony Robbins
Giving will make you proud.
Taking will rarely make you proud.

“It’s not how much you have, it’s what you do with what you have that makes the difference.” – Denzel Washington
Being comfortable with the truth will make you proud.
Trying to hide the truth will rarely make you proud.

“Stop hiding your scars and your wounds. They’re your trophies that you went through that and still survived.” — T.D. Jakes
Living within your means will make you proud.
Living in financial jeopardy will rarely make you proud.

 “Balancing your money is the key to having enough.”
― Elizabeth Warren
Rising above ego will make you proud.
Being egoistic will rarely make you proud.

 “Blood, Sweat and Respect. First Two You Give, Last One You Earn” — Dwayne Johnson
Meeting your obligations will make you proud.
Being delinquent on your duties and obligations will not make you proud.

“Character is doing what you don't want to do but know you should do.”— Joyce Meyer 
Changing a habit will make you proud.
Letting a habit undermine or damage your credibility and relationships will not make you proud.

“The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.— Warren Buffett 
There is nothing wrong with taking pride – it just has to be pride in the right things.

Get your financial house in order.  Get your physical house in order.  Get your emotional house in order.  Get your academic house in order.

You should be able to take pride in all aspects of your life, and to experience satisfaction in the most significant dimensions of your life.

So do your life a favor, and ask yourself  these 2 questions today....What are some of the things you can do, that will make you proud? And what are some of the things you are not proud of, you should stop doing, either gradually, or cold turkey?

Then, this is what you say to yourself next..."Today is the day I  will begin shaping the best life for myself -  a life I can be truly proud of." And then, take the first step. And never look back.


Thanks for the feedback, (comments, likes, shares) on my recent posts. I appreciate the kudos from old friends, new friends, and relatives who have become friends. You keep me going.

NEXT, Thanks to all readers, current and future, for sharing my journey to wisdom, meaning and a better life.  Like you, I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom hidden in plain sight.

FINALLY, A Happy Birthday shout-out:  to those with July birthdays. Hope you use your birthday month to think of all the ways in which you can do more things you are proud of, and less things you are not proud of.

Have a blessed week, and hope to see you next week.

P.S. Not sure if you have time, but if you do, you may enjoy these other posts:
The United States of Friendship – Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6,Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12

Managing Your Money
Simplifying Your Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
Learning to Laugh
Learning to Relax
Pursuing A Dream
Changing in Good Ways