Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Guide to Dealing With the Sheldon Coopers in Your Life (Particle- 3)

Available on Amazon
Q: How to find something to worry about like Sheldon...

A: You can’t

Leonard Hofstadter: I'm just saying that you can't approach this intellectually.
Sheldon Cooper: However do you mean?
Leonard Hofstadter: Remember when you tried to learn how to swim from the internet?
Sheldon Cooper: I did learn how to swim.
Leonard Hofstadter: Yeah, on the floor.
Sheldon Cooper: The skills are transferable. I just have no desire to get in the water.
Leonard Hofstadter: Then why learn how to swim?
Sheldon Cooper: The ice caps are melting, Leonard. In the future, swimming won't be optional.

Q: How to learn to act like a grown-up from Sheldon...

A: You can’t

Sheldon Cooper: Excuse me, do you have any books on how to make friends?
Jeremy: Yes, but they're all for little children.
Sheldon Cooper: I'm sure the skills can be extrapolated and transferred.
Jeremy: They're right over there by the train set.
Sheldon Cooper: Ooh, I love trains!
Jeremy: I'm sure you do.

Q: How to take precautions like Sheldon...

A: You can’t

Sheldon Cooper: In case of emergency, the exits are located here, here, and here. If the power goes out, exit routes are indicated in luminescent paint.
Raj Koothrappali: You're kidding.
[Sheldon turns off the lights, revealing glowing arrows on the floor]
Sheldon Cooper: I never kid about safety.

Q: How to guess the answer to a question like Sheldon...

A: You can’t

Howard Wolowitz: [after everyone cheers for him and his team design going to space] It gets better! Someone has to go up with the telescope as a payload specialist, and guess who that someone is!
Sheldon Cooper: Mohammed Lee.
[everyone's looking confused]
Howard Wolowitz: Who's Mohammed Lee?
Sheldon Cooper: Mohammed is the most common first name in the world, and Lee the most common surname. As I didn't know the answer, I thought that'd give me a mathematical edge.

Q: How to be suspicious like Sheldon...

A: You can’t

Leonard: [Sheldon shakes one of the boxes of the new tenant] What are you doing?
Sheldon: I'm checking for musical instruments.
[Shakes the box again]
Sheldon: Does that sound like castanets to you?
Leonard: The box says "kitchen".
Sheldon: So? Do cocaine smugglers write "cocaine" on the box?

P.S. 1: Want more? Watch Big Bang Theory - Thursdays at 8:00 p.m.on CBS.

P.S. 2: Don't forget to check back on this blog for Part 4 of this series - A Guide to Dealing With the Sheldon Coopers in Your Life - Particle 4. Also, if you missed Part 1 and 2 of this series, you can read those posts here and here.

P.S. 3:  If you like posts with laughs, you may also enjoy other posts on my blog, including A Short Stint in Advertising and How to Say Goodbye - Part 3.

P.S. 4: As always, thanks for reading. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

ajay said...

Another good piece from the desk of MinooJha!