Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear Diary – Jennifer Hudson Edition

Frugal Queen
Dear resolution this year is to buy nothing at full price all year. Starting January and going all the way to December. I have begun meditating on these phrases to help me stick to the plan: “Half-price Off”.  “Everything must go”,  “Buy One Get One Free”, “Close-out”, “Everything a Dollar”. People may laugh and call me cheap, dear diary, but I will be the one laughing all the way to the bank. Besides, it's not what you pay which matters, it’s the value you get.  I mean just look at you, dear diary.  I bought you at Dollar Tree for a dollar, and look at the priceless pearls of wisdom you contain!!!

Determined Weight Watcher
Dear Diary...I am determined to get the pounds off this year and reach my target weight of 130 lbs. I will walk the talk.  Cut to the chase. Take no prisoners. Make the rubber meet the road. Mmm....what’s that smell...someone’s baking something really yummy next door... like a cake or something...smells like vanilla......gosh, how am I ever going to do this dear diary? !! I must be strong. Resolute. If Jennifer Hudson can do it, so can I, dear diary! SO CAN I!

Miss Everything-In-Its-Place
Dear Diary – Everyone thinks I am so organized. They look at my kitchen shelves and cupboards and they look at my closets and never fail to compliment me.  They don’t know my terrible secret, dear diary.  My photoboxes are a complete and utter mess.  I have envelopes in there marked with the names of different events.  But I have been throwing photos into them without rhyme or reason and now everything’s a hodgepodge. Pictures of A’s baby shower are mixed right in with pictures of our kitty Samson in the Pet Pictures envelope.  And pictures of D’s wedding are nestled with pictures of Pops’ retirement party in the Pops’s Retirement envelope.  I really need to get them sorted out.  Luckily, only you and I know this embarrassing and awful secret, dear diary.  My resolution is to get it all straightened out this year – that’s a promise.

Halo Seeker
Dear Diary...I was not so good in getting involved with any causes in 2011.  I am determined to redeem myself in 2012.  I have to find a cause that’s convenient.  I don’t want to do anything in the summer or is likely to be too hot or too cold for me.  Maybe the spring and fall would be good.  My problem is I can’t tell which causes are real and which are just jokes or fakes or not worth pursuing.  I missed the boat with OWS and then I spotted this headline Occupy North Pole, but it turned out to be some silly Christmas wish - from an Indian immigrant named Desna to her family and friends.  Maybe I will protest against High Fructose Corn Syrup or against banning Tebowing in high schools.  I will find something, dear diary.  I am determined to.  Look out for further updates on this. P.S. Dear Diary...speaking of protests, I read about this weird Pink Panty protest in India.  Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

P.S. Dear Readers...this is the second of the Dear Diary series.  If case you missed the Socks with Holes Edition, which could also be called the Harold Camping edition or the Jim Berklund edition,you can read it here.

P.S. 2: Thanks for coming along with me on this blog's journey so far and hope you achieve your resolution (or resolutions) for 2012. If you don’t, it’s not your fault.  It’s the fault of the resolution.  Choose an achievable one. Set the bar lower.  Instead of resolving not to eat anything with added sugar, how about resolving not to eat anything with added sugar for three months.  If that's too high, resolve not to eat anything with added sugar for one month; if that's too high, set the bar lower still - resolve not to eat anything with added sugar for one week.  Ok...I give about not eating anything with added sugar just for today?  I am sure that's a resolution you can keep.:):):)

P.S. 3: One resolution I wish we would all make for 2012 is to lighten up.  Literally and figuratively.  Besides shedding the unhealthy desires and unnecessary possessions which hold us in bondage, we should also shed the stress, anxiety and differences which keep us miserable and transfer to other people.  Frankly, don't you think that's more of a priority than resolving to shed pounds? What's a resolution you wish we would all make -  one that would make the world a better place to live in for more people?

P.S. 4: For frugal queens from other countries planning a visit to the U.S., Dollar Tree is a national chain of stores in which everything is priced at a dollar.  


Anonymous said...

I just want to watch -
1.Joyful Noise
2.A Separation

ajay said...

Hey, Nice work, Minoo!

Minoo Jha said...

I like this simple wish/resolution - i.e. watch....
1. Joyful Noise
2. A Separation

....and Ajay....thanks as usual