Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dear Diary - Socks With Holes Edition

Child – a few days after the Rapture fails to come to pass in 2011...
Dear Diary...The world was going to end becoz of something called the rapcher so I gave my best doll to Cindy to play with since I thought she should have a turn with it before the world ended.  Now I have a problem.  The world did not end but I can't get the doll back.  Cindy just shakes her head and says "it's mine now". It's not fair.

Child – Week of March 19-March 26 earthquake prediction...
Dear Diary...I am writing this under the dining table with a torchlite. I am too scared to sleep, so I am camped here under the dining table. I will be so releeved when March comes to an end. No one else in my family is taking this seriyus so I may be the only one left.  And you, Dear Diary. I know you will be here to keep me company.

Tween Shopaholic evening of Black Friday, 2011...
Dear Diary... I had such a good day. Me and Jenny went to the Mall together and I bought lots of Christmas presents for everybody. Except for one thing which made me real mad. We went to Papaya and she and me spotted this cute brown jacket at the same time. But she grabbed it before I could, imagine. Even though she knows brown is my favorite color. Other than that, I had fun.  Especially at Abercrombie and Fitch, where I saw this real cute guy.

Teen – at approx 6:30 p.m. one weekday evening...
Dear Diary...I badly wanted Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and I thought I’d ask Dad outright.  But he was engrossed in his favorite tv show –the one where this crazy guy shouts and screams and utters the word Booyah every few minutes - and he got really ticked off by the interruption. He said “don't you have more important things to think about on a school day - like your homework or your SATs?”. I was bummed. PS- I don’t see what's productive about that show he watches at all - I don't get it!

Twenty something – post TSA ordeal in 2011...
Dear Diary...I had an embarrassing experience at SFO airport. I went to Dallas on a business trip and completely forgot I would have to take my shoes off at Security. As luck would have it, I was wearing a mismatched pair of socks with some prominent holes. Up to that point, I was making quite an impression on the girl behind me with my witty comments and clever talk – but my confidence completely evaporated when I had to take my shoes off.

P.S. This post wouldn't have been possible if not for Harold Camping, Jim Berklund, and more. Thanks to all of them.

P.S. 2:  Now that 2011 is in the rear-view mirror, hope you enjoyed this look back on the events of 2011 - some of which made the year more frustrating, some more annoying and some plain terrifying -  but all of which made the year interesting.

P.S. 3:  Thanks for reading and wishing you an uninteresting 2012 - I suppose!

1 comment:

ajay said...

Another very readable piece from Minoo's prolific pen
Keep it goin' Minoo!