Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bow Wow. Woof Woof. Meowww!

Bella - One Of The Chief Translators Of This Post

Bow Wow.  Woof.  Woof. Woof. Meoow.

Meoww. Bow Wow.  Woof.  Woof. Woof.

Bow Wow.  Woof. Meoww. Woof. Woof. Bark.

Bark.  Meoww. Bow Wow.  Woof.  Woof. Woof.

Bow Wow.  Woof.  Woof. Woof. Meoww.

Meoww.  Meoww.Bow Wow.  Woof.  Woof. Woof.

Bow Wow.  Woof.  Meoww.Woof. Woof.

Bark Bark. Meoww. Bow Wow

Woof.  Woof. Woof. Woof. Meoww.

Bark. Bark. Bow Wow. Woof. Woof.

Bow Wow. Woof. Woof.

Woof. Woof.

Bark. Bark. Meoww.   Meoww.


Me too.

Wait a minute…

Perhaps we should ask the canines in my extended family to translate.

And the sole diva cat as well. (Since there are some meowws in there!)

If I can get a hold of them!

They have pretty busy schedules.

One of them has to race up the stairs to confirm the neighbor's cat has decided to perch on the separating fence and then shoot out the dog door to bark at the intruder -  once on the hour, or more.

The feline might have tete-a-tetes with dead lizards and other charming backyard visitors.

But I'll give it a try, anyway.  Be right back...

I’m back.

And I can hardly believe what all of this bow wow, woof woof, bark bark, meoww meoww means.

It means we will soon have an entire post dedicated to pets.

How great is that!

You don't have to take my word for it.

I have it on authority from Bella, Oscar, Dewey and Kyara.

Author Anita Saran, a dear friend from my past (actually, a huge part of my life in my 20s) will guest post on the pets that dominate her life.

You won't want to miss this.

It's a treat.

Coming  soon.

1 comment:

bettywfern said...

Very Cute!!Awwwww!Love it!!