Sunday, February 12, 2017

Maybe It's Time To Rock The World

Rock the world with your unique talents.  What is unique about you?  How many uses can you put it to?  How many people’s worlds can you rock with it?  Start rocking the world with your uniqueness today.  And don’t ever stop, if you can help it.

Do you believe uniqueness should be celebrated?  I do too.  That’s why I have written posts such as How To Become More Unique, How to Become a New Person, and The Element of Signature.

Rock the world with your imagination.  Some people think imagination is only good for filling our head with pipe dreams and terrible fears.  Nonsense. We can use our imagination to make the ordinary wonderful, the painful bearable, the tedious pleasurable, to create delight, and more.  If you are not using your imagination in all these different ways, you are not using it enough.

What is the most imaginative thing you have ever done?  What was so wonderful about it?  Why not do something wonderful like that again? Join me in celebrating ‘imaginative ideas’ by reading my post The Element of Imagination, and tipping your hat to the uses people put their imagination to.

Rock the world by taking an untraveled road. Going off the beaten path is scary.  But scary is the answer to jaded, tired, and same old, same old. Do you need an Rx for going off the beaten path? Read Richard Bolles “What Color is Your Parachute?”.

When I read Richard Bolles' What Color is Your Parachute?, my mind was popping.  The book had a huge impact on me. In fact, I was changed immediately after reading it.  The very first interview I attended, the change was visible.  At that interview, I “dared to share” information about myself that was unrelated to the job I was applying for.  Scary, right? But guess what? It paid off……read more ….

Rock the world by being yourself.  If everyone is doing something, does that mean you should too? Certainly not! Respect yourself for not joining the herd, even when you feel left out in the cold, doing so.

What are some of the things other people do that you don’t? If these are the 5 things Which Rebels Do, which ones describe you? Surprised to hear me call your choices rebellious? Yes, in my book, you are a true rebel, and I tip my hat to you.

Rock the world with your ability to pursue a goal, and have the best attitude doing it.  Success comes to those who do just that – pursue a goal - and have the right attitude doing it.

What are some of the impressive goals you have achieved in your life? I believe it is because you consciously or unconsciously passed all the important attitude checks. If you want to tackle a challenging new goal, you need to do that again.

So are you on board?

Are you ready to rock the world?


Great - can't wait to see what you do with all that's amazing about you.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated. Happy Birthday to all those with birthdays in Jan and Feb, and since Valentine’s Day is two days away, Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovebirds out there.  Make the day special and wonderful and memorable for you and the most important person in your life.

P.S.  A year has passed since I wrote and published How Cupid 732 Got His Groove Back. Read it for a Valentine’s Day chuckle, if you haven’t read it before.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant and incisive, Minoo, the ultimate life-coach, gets to the heart of the matter very fast. A blue-print for daring to dream has been laid out, peppered with links to her earlier insightful posts. Go ahead, seize it and make your life!