Sunday, February 26, 2017

Maybe It's Time to Say The 4 Best Words You Can Say to Yourself

I had to say these 4 words when I went to my first copywriting job interview, armed with nothing but a few pieces of freelance journalism.

I had to say these 4 words each time I presented an advertising idea at any of the ad agencies where I worked.

I had to say these 4 words when I decided to get married.

I had to say these 4 words when I started my own creative shop.

I had to say these 4 words when a depression made me feel life wasn’t worth living.

I had to say these 4 words when I left India to move to America.

I had to say these 4 words when the first Commissions Analyst job opportunity came knocking.

I had to say these 4 words when I started consulting

I had to say these 4 words when the US stock market crashed in 2007 and 2008.

I had to say these 4 words to trust what was happening to me when I started meditating.

I had to say these 4 words when I started blogging.

So what are the 4 words which helped me in so many different situations?  


They helped me stay put when I needed to stay put, get going when I needed to get going, keep moving when I needed to keep moving, have faith when I needed to have faith.

That's why I say they are the 4 best words you can say to yourself.

I know they are effective for myriad situations.


Whatever you are contemplating…

No matter your history….

No matter what you have been successful in so far….

No matter how different from anything you have tried before…..


Any time you need immediate relief from doubt and indecision...


Whenever you need to build your optimism and confidence....


When you need an answer to procrastination and dithering....


Works every single time.


Give it a try.

Right now, this very moment, there is something waiting only for you to say the words "I’LL TAKE MY CHANCES".

Don’t hesitate a minute longer.

Say "I’LL TAKE MY CHANCES" and become at peace with your decisions.

Maybe it’s time!

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes. Happy Birthday to all those with birthdays in Jan and Feb.

P.S.  I took my chance on meditation, and it made me feel more connected to everyone I meet.  Read more…

P.S. 2: I took my chance on returning to full health and happiness after a depression, and I did. Read more….

P.S. 3:  I took my chance on staying the course when the economy was crashing in 2007 and 2008, and a wonderful investing philosophy grew out of it. Read more….

P.S. 4:  I took my chance on becoming more liberal in my parenting, and it changed the relationship dynamic between me and my daughter for good. Read more….

P.S. 5: I took my chance on overcoming a stubborn anger management problem.  Read more…..

P.S. 6: I am taking chances on addressing a health problem through diet and lifestyle changes.  Read more...

P.S. 7: Last but not least, I take my chances every time I write and publish a post (353 and counting).


Moonshine1970 said...

Hey Minoo, Yep I guess that's life we have choices and we have to weigh the pros and cons and ultimately decide whether the risk is worth taking. Its part of who we become, what risks (chances) we took and what outcome this led to. Not all these risks end up working out well, but without it we would not keep moving like you said. Like the dory character in Finding Dory movie says "keep on moving, keep on moving". Good on you to keep this blog going!! Deepa

Moonshine1970 said...

Hey Minoo, Yep I guess that's life we have choices and we have to weigh the pros and cons and ultimately decide whether the risk is worth taking. Its part of who we become, what risks (chances) we took and what outcome this led to. Not all these risks end up working out well, but without it we would not keep moving like you said. Like the dory character in Finding Dory movie says "keep on moving, keep on moving". Good on you to keep this blog going!! Deepa

Unknown said...

A very relevant post, Minoo. Unless you break free from you shackles, you will remain in the same shell, unchanged forever....Nothing venture, nothing gain!Take your chances, and conquer the world!