Sunday, April 16, 2017

Maybe It's Time To Walk In The Direction Of Your Fears

With each passing year in our life, we become more fearful. New fears are added, and our existing fears grow bigger.

But we must not let fear overtake our lives, whether it’s the fear of germs, fear of loss, fear of collapse, fear of other people, or even fear of death.

After all, when losses do happen, they come out of left field – instead of what we feared happening, something else happens, which is an even more fearful loss, something we never dreamed could happen.

So walk bravely in the direction of your fears….like you have done so many times before in your life.

Remember when you decided to move to a new city or country – that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to bravely change your career, or your life, in spite of the money and time already spent – that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to pursue a life in academics, or a life in arts, though that was not where the money was – that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to commit yourself to a spiritual life, when everyone else was still partying, or turn to a life of duty or service, when everyone else was still having fun – that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to pursue your dream….even though you were terribly afraid you would fail…..that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to give up something, even though you were really afraid of what would happen….that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

Remember when you decided to make a commitment, even though you didn’t know whether you were strong or responsible enough…that was you walking in the direction of your fears.

You never let fear stop you any of those times. Don’t let fear stop you now.

Walk bravely in the direction of your fears.

Maybe it’s Time.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you

P.S. Just like you, I am trying to find my way out of this complicated maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey.

Thanks  to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated.

Before I end this post, Happy Easter to All of You. Remember the message of Easter is you have nothing to be afraid of.  The price has already been paid.

Also before I end this post, Happy Birthday to all those with April b’days.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life. 

Quotes to inspire you to walk in the direction of your fears:

Some presidential ones:

America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. Harry S Truman

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect. Dwight D. Eisenhower

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy

And a few more worth taking into your spirit and making your own:

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. Marie Curie

Dare to be honest and fear no labor. Robert Burns

The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear. Brian Tracy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well put, Minoo...our inner fears are what frequently hold us back from being super achievers. We truly have nothing to fear, but fear itself! And fortune does indeed favour the bold! Nothing venture, nothing gain!