Sunday, April 2, 2017

Maybe It's Time To Stop Making Poor Choices

Poor choices keep us down.

Sometimes we make them because we don’t know better.

But once we know better, to continue to make them is unfortunate.

It means we are learning deficient.

Don’t be learning deficient.

Try to break out of the habit of poor choices, one choice at a time.

Here are some examples of poor choices, you should try to break out of, one choice at a time…

*Not paying attention to your health

*Ignoring advice you know to be sound

*Taking senseless risks

*Repeating the behaviors and decisions which got you into your current mess

*Repeating patterns that have bad financial or legal outcomes

*Repeating behaviors that drive people away

*Repeating patterns that make the world label you as a “problem”

*Getting yourself into situations where other people have to pick up the pieces

*Not thinking about tomorrow

*Letting the precious moments of your life tick away without meaning

*Not being humble enough to admit you messed up and need direction

*Not being open to change

Messing up is human.

What you do after getting into trouble for messing up is key.

Don’t be learning deficient.

You owe it to yourself to have the best life you can have.

Think about what you can do today to kick-start that.

P.S. We are all trying to find our way through this complicated maze we call life – if we are at a dead end, we have to retrace our steps and find our way back on the path.  Sometimes it takes a cold glass of water in the face to do that.  This post is a cold glass of water in the face post. It is targeted at getting you to take meaningful steps to change your situation.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you

Thanks  to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated.

Before I end this post, Happy Birthday to all those with April b’days.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life.

Related posts to help you kick-start a better life…

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Lifebecause all life changes start with changing our thoughts.

How to Let Nothing Come Between You and a Fulfilling Life - Get inspired by others who have not let challenges stop them

The Path To ChangeMore ideas to help you on your path to change

How To Become a Low Maintenance Person  one way to lose the “trouble” label is to become a low maintenance person

The Element of Committing to Thinking and Living Differently - A life overhaul may be what you need.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely right, Minoo...Only a clinical analysis of what went wrong and an appreciation and evaluation of the factors involved will prevent us from allowing an unpleasant history to repeat itself. Analysing and making the right choices is the only way forward to success in life. Paying attention to our health, taking sound advice, avoiding an obsessive-compulsive repetition of risky behaviour, making unwise choices,as well as planning for the future, and being open to change are essential ingredients for optimising a successfull, meaningful and fulfilling life. Well put!