Saturday, February 19, 2011

Raising 'The Bar'

 Take a banana and smush it.

Add a 1/4 of a cup of peanut butter.

Add 1 cup of unsweetened granola.

Then on wax paper, form your smushed banana-peanut butter-granola mix into cigar shaped bars.

Freeze for 90 minutes.

Voila - you now have a healthful snack bar to eat whenever those inconvenient hunger pangs arise.

Whose DIY Bar?

Now let's see if you know whose favorite snack bar recipe this is?

You do - good for you!

You're clearly a fitness buff.

Anyone who is aware of Tony Horton and has tried (or is planning to try) his P90X workout qualifies as a fitness buff in my book.

After all, Tony Horton is the Jack LaLanne of today and his P90X workout is the Number 1 home fitness program in Ameria.

What's the big deal with P90X?

It's targeted at making sure you don't plateau in your exercise efforts. 

'Muscle Confusion' is the science behind P90X

It really is quite simple.

It's about mixing it up.

Varying your exercise routine.

And varying the intensity.

The idea is to keep your muscles continuously surprised and challenged, so they have to adapt and grow.

You can find out more about P90X by visiting Beach 

Get Off That Booty

I know you think you are a lost cause.

And there's probably an exercise cycle or treadmill in your home just taking up space or gathering dust.

That's okay.

How about making a fresh start?

To begin with, just spend a little time every day  "reading" about fitness.

Eye exercise.  That's all I'm asking.

Sooner or later, I believe reading about fitness will work on your sub-conscious to give you the surge of motivation and determination you need.

Not very different from the way my meditations work for me.

Isn't it worth a try?

After all, tell me -  Flat-screen TV or Flat Tummy.....which will do more for your self-esteem?

Yoga Mat or Latest I Pad - which will do more for your quality of life?

I think we both know the answer.

For more inspiration,  you should also check out The Institute for Healthy Lifestyle Habits at

May You Live Well and Thrive.

P.S.  Want to Make Your Own Granola?  You can find a great recipe from Raleys right here.

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