Friday, January 21, 2011

Here's Your 25-Point Checklist for Success

Success is a familiar guest in Don Gootee's life, as someone who co-founded a successful Inc 500 company. 

Don says that business and monetary achievement are not the only measures of success.

This 25 point checklist  - sent as a New Year Greeting to his associates, employees, family and friends - sums up his philosophy of success.  I got his permission to guest post it. Hope you take as much inspiration from it as I did.

When you hear “He/She is very successful” it is usually associated with business and monetary achievement. However the basis of success comes in many forms such as a good grade average in school,  making the sports team, becoming a good cook, getting a college degree, speaking-playing an instrument-or singing in front of a live audience, having the love-trust-and respect from your parents, having the love-trust-and respect from your children, having the love-trust-and respect from your friends, or maybe just being able to walk outside through the back door of your house onto a beach. Yes, that last point is usually associated with business and monetary achievement.
Success means many things to many people.  Regardless, success is a by-product of setting goals, working hard and achieving them in varying degrees. I suppose if you do not meet your goals you were not successful but that kills the flow to my message.

While there are many components to success, and you have heard them all, I have listed a few, which if you follow them as I have tried, may help you become “successful” in many areas of your life.

  1. Love your family with all of your heart
  2. Take the lead on forgiveness with family and friends 
  3. Treat everyone you know and meet with respect
  4.  Respect yourself
  5.  Have confidence in yourself 
  6.  Always conduct yourself with honesty and integrity
  7.  Do not take yourself too seriously
  8. Have good manners

Photo Courtesy: Ruth Garcia.  Model: Bucky

9.    Be nice to animals
10.   Do not be consumed with negativity (hopefully the glass is always half full and not half empty)
11.   Get as much education as possible and never stop learning
12.   Do things that make you and others laugh
13.   Be sensitive to the feelings of others
14.   Tackle a fleeing robber to the ground and hold them until the police arrive. Be careful on this one.
15.  If you are ever holding a fleeing robber until the police arrive, steal the robber’s watch. Who are the police going to believe? Just kidding. I am just trying to make myself and others laugh.
16.   In business, surround yourself with people as good or better than you
17.   Understand your weaknesses and improve on them if possible
18.   Understand your strengths and use them to their fullest
19.   Do not be afraid of hard work
20.   Do not be afraid of hard work, yes I repeated item 19
21.   Do not be afraid of success
22. Give back to your community and others however and whenever you can
23.  To meet your goals, do things outside of your comfort zone
24.   Do those things until they become comfortable
25.   While items 1 – 22 are very important, repeat items 23 and 24 as much as possible
Oh yeah, one other thing. Do not leave your money in the stock market when the market is tanking!

Don Gootee
January 2011

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