Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Element of Creating A New Reality and Its Hope for Living A Powerful Life

We have the power to create a new reality.

As many times as we wish to in our lives.

If we are living a different life today than we lived a year or two, or a few years ago, then we have successfully re-created our reality.

The urge to re-create our reality can arise for a variety of reasons.

Our current situation may no longer serve us well. 

We may have a habit that’s not serving us well, or a job that’s not serving us well, or a relationship that’s not serving us well, or a pace or quality of life that’s not serving us well.

We want to give it up, but we feel trapped.

We are too used to our current reality. 

Giving it up may mean giving up what we have gotten used to.

So though we wake up every morning and say, “I need to get out of this”, or “I need to do something about this,” we push away the thought.

We brush our teeth, comb our hair and prepare to go about our day as before.

What makes us want to re-create our reality?

It is the desire to understand our true relationship to everything in our life – our relationship to money, our relationship to property, our relationship to earning a livelihood, our relationship to love and our relationship to the choice of what to do with our time.

It is a desire to live a more awesome life.

It is a desire to make who we are on the outside match who we are on the inside.

It is a desire to shake off being image oriented, or dependent on this or that to feel good or get by.

When we shake off being image-oriented or being dependent on this or that to feel good or get by, our world is immediately transformed.

We feel more in command.

I learned to drive and to cook after I came to America.

It’s hard to imagine something as mundane as learning to cook and learning to drive might make me feel in command of my destiny, but it did.

Learning to do my taxes myself also had the same impact.

We re-create our world whenever we take any steps to be in command of our own destiny.

A friend told me a story.

She went to see a doctor about a condition and the doctor told her the answer was surgery.

My friend tried to argue with the doctor, but the doctor sent her away with a date for a surgery.

My friend did a no-show on the day and decided to take command of her own condition.

She was able to find a non-surgical solution and get it to work for her.

What is required to re-create our reality?





We need all 4.

When I decided to become a Commissions Consultant, I needed courage - to give up a steady paycheck and employee benefits such as medical, dental, 401K and vacation pay.

I needed belief – the belief I would get enough consulting work to support myself and my daughter.

I needed faith – I could pull it off.

And I needed discipline –to do whatever it takes.

And it has taken discipline.

I have had to deal with some tough commutes, voluminous workloads and challenging situations.

And I have literally had to re-create myself with every assignment, because each assignment has involved a new set of people and a new set of challenges.

But re-creation is the triumph of the human spirit over circumstance.

Circumstances have a way of making us feel powerless and beat. (Corporate America has been no help in this regard.  Most employees feel totally powerless in their jobs.)

Consulting enabled me to reclaim some of that power.

Many times, we will make dramatic changes in our lives just to reclaim our power – our power to make decisions, our power to be appreciated, our power to be respected and our power to thrive.

Power over our own destiny and our own time beats power over another human being.  Any day.

Inner riches make up for the loss of outer riches.  Any day.

Our eyes become open to the fact that dependence is fear, not love.

We should feel no shame in wanting to re-create our world.

The world is being re-created all the time anyway.

Things are torn down and new things come up in their place.

Winchester Shopping Plaza goes down and Santana Row comes up in its place.

Whole amusement parks are closed down or moved.

Did you know Marine World Vallejo (now Six Flags Discovery Kingdom) was moved from Redwood City where it stood from 1968 – 1986?

Where there was nothing but a giant parking lot, suddenly there’s Levis Stadium.

We do not think twice about renovating our houses – adding a deck here, a pond there.

But our houses are unlikely to be standing 125 years, maybe even 100 years from now. 

There are a very few houses over a 100 years old.

Time moves on and our houses become irrelevant to a new time and a new generation.

If we plant a tree, it has a better chance of outliving us than our houses.

So we shouldn’t be afraid to re-create our lives.

What is true for us at one point in time may no longer be true for us at another point in time.

This is why we desire to re-create our lives.

We may not have the same ideas.

We may not have the same needs.

We may not have the same insecurities or fears.

We may not have the same passions.

We may not even be the same person.

Maybe our goals may have changed and we do not want to get ahead anymore.

Maybe all we want is peace of mind and freedom of thought and action and that is enough for us.

Maybe all we want for ourselves now is to explore the sides of us that have never been explored or have been suppressed.

Re-creating our world is a belief in the future. In the short term, we may have to make many sacrifices.

In my first two years as a consultant, I made very little money.

But it was a sacrifice I was prepared to make.

I kept my mind focused on the goal and stayed firm in the belief things would eventually work out.

We can re-create anything – our minds, our bodies, our relationships, our way of life.

Some of our re-creations will stand the test of time, some won’t. 

I re-created myself as a vegetarian in my 20’s.  I was only able to keep it up for 3 years. But I am so proud of those 3 years even today.  (P.S. If you have a yearning to become a vegetarian, read Anita Sara’s book, On Becoming Vegetarian – One Woman’s Experience – it may help you in your quest.  This link will take you to my Amazon review of the book.)

As we get older, because of our rich experience, we are capable of creative re-creation.

It’s like the difference between a novice cook and an experienced cook.

Some of the cooks in my family, such as my brother David, are such pros, they can create a dish with whatever’s available.

Similarly, we can pull different tricks out of our experience hat with whatever’s available to re-recreate our particular reality.

Re-creating our worlds means taking responsibility for our own happiness.

It takes guts, because we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

Re-creating our worlds often involves a downgrade of our material life and an upgrade of our mental and physiological life.

Unemployment causes many people to re-create their lives.

It gives us the time and the impetus we did not have before to take control and steer our life in a new direction.

It is no accident that I started doing all of these things in the six months after I quit my job and was still to get my first consulting assignment:



Going on 5 mile walks

Bible Study

One of the wonderful benefits of creating a new reality is that we become more cheerful.

We are able to chuckle at our past.

Yes our new re-created reality will include a wealth of things such as confidence, peace of mind, openness and humor.

Isn’t it great we never need feel trapped in any situation?

All we have to do is to adopt a beginners mind, imagine a blank canvas - and start re-creating.

In no time at all, we’ll be in a new place or a new space- and thriving.


As always thanks for reading and have a great day and week….M….a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Abbas, Ajay, Ananda and Audrey for their insightful and encouraging comments on my last post The Element of Enchantment and Its Hope for Living an Awe-Filled Life and thanks to the rest of you for your pins and votes.  Much appreciated.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely right Minoo! its important not to stand still, to rediscover, to reinvent, "to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" Or else, our lives are wasted ones, mere passengers in the voyage of life!
Brilliantly written, insightful and inspiring. keep up the great work!