Sunday, July 21, 2019

Common Ground Challenge

Your challenge this week is to find common ground between you and someone unexpected.

If it's someone who people might think (or even you might think) is poles apart from you, even better.

Just find 3 things that are common to both of you.

The more the better.

But even 3 things are enough.

This is my Common Ground Challenge.

I will kick it off...

Common Ground between me and Donald Trump:

Here are 5 things we have in common...

  • We both love our daughters madly.

  • We both don't drink.

  • We both have birthdays in June.

  • We both believe in the value of apprenticeship.

  • We both believe in the prudent use of the tax code to manage money. 

Your turn to list 3 or more things you have in common with someone else.

Think. Think.  Who can you choose?

Start with someone who has the same birthday as you, or lives in the same city as you, or went to the same school as you, or lives in the same country as you, or likes the same books or music as you,or has the same hobbies as you. Anything at all.  Also you don't have to choose someone who is completely different from you. Feel free to choose anyone you can find 3-5 things in common with.

Send me your example of the Common Ground Challenge, so I can add it to this post.

Feel free to respond via Facebook, or by commenting on this post.

Can't wait. This will be fun. Who will pick up the gauntlet first? Will it be Rads, will it be Indu-bee, will it be Nina, or Ananda, or Brenda...or someone entirely new?

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