Sunday, May 23, 2021

Walk it Off!

When we reach into our box of memories

There will be memories good and bad

Some memories will make us happy

And some memories will make us sad.

Walk it off I say, walk it off

Talk it out, I say. Talk it out

Don't keep it all bottled up 

And let it eat you from inside out.

Each one of us becomes an adult

And will then have to do a sweep

Of the memories we must toss from our box

And the memories we must keep.

Walk it off I say, walk it off

Talk it out, I say. Talk it out

Don't keep it all bottled up 

And let it wipe you out.

The past is there to learn from

And for us to develop insights

The past is not there to plunge us into a misery

From which there is no respite.

Walk it off I say, walk it off

Talk it out, I say. Talk it out

Don't keep it all bottled up 

Like a poison you can do without.

There are things that happened which shouldn't have

But you can't turn back the clock

So don't dwell on things you can't change

And into a repetitious cycle of thoughts be locked.

Walk it off I say, walk it off

Talk it out, I say. Talk it out

The good memories are worth keeping

The bad you can do without.

Walk it off I say, walk it off

Talk it out, I say. Talk it out

Don't let the past steal your present, dear reader.

Because the present is what it's all about.

Yes, indeed, you should focus on the present, dear reader...

...because the present is what it's all about!

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