Sunday, November 21, 2021

Some Things Are Within Your Control

Some things are within your control

Some things are not

You can decide what time to go to bed and to wake up

But you can't decide whether tomorrow will be a cold day, or hot.

Focus on the things within your control

Such as the food you eat and what you drink

Don't spin your wheels about whether this is going to happen, or that is going to happen

Because you can't predict everything, no matter how much you think.

Neither be jubilant about gain, nor depressed by loss or lack

If you did not cause them to be

Adjust your expectations, your approach, and your attitude

This is all the wisdom you need.

So many things will happen from day to day

And so many things will happen from year to year

Meditate, pray, and stay curious, dear reader

Find positive and healthy ways to deal with your vexations, your worries, and your fears.

In your haste to tackle a problem, or find answers to situations

Don't be tempted to rush into something because someone suggested it, or it is the first thing that comes to mind

The best answers and ideas often come with patience

So have faith in your values and principles, and give it time.

Trust, faith, and patience will serve you well

Because you know deep in your spirit everything will be alright

Don't do anything counter to that

And sooner or later, even in the darkest clouds, you will see the light.

Stay active, thoughtful, hopeful, and engaged, dear reader

In times of challenge or change, the best tools are creativity, resilience, and hope

Never become bitter or hopeless

Put on your thinking cap, put on your walking shoes, and find smart ways to cope.

Yes, some things are within your control, dear reader,

And some things are not

But if you continue to show faith, creativity, resilience, and hope

You will find resources to tackle every tide and whirlpool in which you are caught.

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