Sunday, January 30, 2022

Wake Me Up When I Am Deluding Myself

Wake me up when I am deluding myself

If you love me and you are a friend

For many are the thoughts, words, and behaviors

I may need to change before my life's end.

So many of my ways of thinking and acting are by habit

Some unexamined since I was young, maybe even little, or small

Now by submitting my thoughts, words, and actions to your scrutiny

I hope to find out which ones are okay, which ones not at all.

I may have double standards I am unaware of

And I may say and do things out of long-held habits or beliefs, including thinking I am always in the right

Don't worry about calling me out on anything

Because frankly, It is better for me to know the truth

And to find out what my arrogance and blindness has hidden from plain sight.

I want to be remembered as a decent human being

And to achieve that, it's what I must do

I must find out all my blind spots

And for that, I am counting on you.

I think my choices are fine as they are

But that's because I look in the mirror, and see what I want to see

Like the emperor who didn't know he was naked

I may be my own worst enemy.

So help me please by opening my eyes

To things that are important, and which I may have ignored

For I want to be remembered as a decent human being

And you can be my lightning rod.

You didn't know, it but you signed up for the boot camp of friendship

When you became one of my family members. or one of my friends,

And I am counting on you to help me become a better person

Between now and my life's end.

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