Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Nursery Of Life

I was at the Nursery of Life to buy some seeds.

A Customer Service representative came to assist me.

"Can I help you?" she said.

" I would like to buy some seeds I said, "but I have no clue what to buy."

"Let me show you our most popular seeds," she said...

"Come right this way."

I followed her to a glittering section with advertising posters on the wall.

"If you want to go for something extremely trendy," she said, "I would buy these".

She plucked a packet of seeds off the shelf.

The packet was marked "Seeds of Divisiveness".

"I see" I said.

"They are real popular right now" she added.

"These are popular too" she said, plucking another packet of seeds from the shelf.

The packet was marked "Seeds of Conspiracy".

"I see" I said.

Eager to make a sale and get her commission, she said, "how about this? You might like this."

I looked at the packet she placed in my hands.

"Seeds of Nationalistic and Religious Fervor".

"Are they easy to sow?" I asked.

"Real easy, I'm told", she said, "just plant them and up they come."

We walked down the shopping aisle.

Past Seeds of Negativity.

Seeds of Jealousy and Envy.

Seeds of Injustice.

Past all the eye-catching posters, advertising how wonderful this or that seed was.

Noticing a section of the store which was marked "Discounted, Discontinued & Clearance", being curious and frugal, I said...

"What's in that section over there?"

"Our discounted stuff" she said.

"Do you want to see what we have on sale?" she added.

She continued to be enthusiastic, which I thought was wonderful, because she probably would get no commission if I bought anything from there.

We walked to that section of the nursery.

It did not have any posters, the seed packets were dusty, and some were past their expiration dates.

There was a BOGO sign (Buy One Get One Free).

"Why are these so much cheaper?" I said, "Are they hard to sow and grow?"

"Yes extremely hard to sow and grow," she said. "That's why they're on discount. In fact, we've had them permanently on BOGO.

I looked at the dusty seed packets.

Seeds of Love.

Seeds of Compassion For All Living Things.

Seeds of Simplicity.

Seeds of Cooperation.

Seeds of Love of Nature.

Something in my heart told me that my road back to Eden, in fact the road back to Eden for all human beings, lay in sowing, growing, and transplanting the seeds I was looking at.

In fact, it was our only hope.

"I'll take one of each" I said.

1 comment:

Premcomm said...

Mind blowing as usual