Sunday, October 30, 2022

Two People

Two people with different ideas...

One wants to look beautiful.

One wants to create beauty.



Two people with different ideas...

One wants to look good.

One wants to do good.



Two people with different ideas...

One wants to love more people.

One wants people to love them more.



Two people with different ideas...

One wants everyone to be like them.

One wants to like everyone, even those who are different.



Two people with different ideas...

One wants to win over everyone else.

One wants everyone to win.



Two people with different ideas…

One wants to have more and more and more.

One wants to give more and more and more.


Two people with different ideas...

One wants everyone to listen to them.

One wants to listen to everyone.


Two people.

One wants to believe certain things.

One wants to believe other certain things.


Two people...

One is worried life is passing them by.

One is content to watch life pass by.


Two people.

It’s always been that way.


Since Adam and Eve

Since Cain and Abel

Since the beginning of human time.


Husband and wife

Parent and child

Brother and sister

Sister and sister

Brother and brother

Boss and employee

Friend and friend.


Two people.


So when we come across each other,

Should we fight?

Or should we shake hands, rub elbows, and say to each other:

Let's respect each other's differences in ideas, thoughts, and desires.

And let's continue to build on common ground.


That's the thought I would like to leave you with today.

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