Sunday, June 18, 2023

True or False: Thoughts on Getting Older...

Better at solving problems

Better at making decisions

Life experiences and lessons learned

A cheerful acceptance of life's circumstances and living conditions.

Friendships some newer, some spanning multiple decades

Opportunities to post pictures and exchange texts through the day

Opportunities to get together to talk, walk, eat, or celebrate

A delightful choice of ways to connect and pass the time away.

Unhurried time to tend to our hobbies and spiritual needs

To garden, to cook, watch tv, read, pray, or play games

Unhurried time to be playful, creative, relaxed, prayerful, inventive

We can do what we want, because unhurried time reigns.

Less fretting and fuming if things go wrong

Less wild swings in our emotions

We know life is short, so we do not waste time

By getting into silly disagreements, or causing unnecessary commotion.

A better acceptance of ourselves and others

Less friction, more forgiveness, and smoother interpersonal interactions

We've learned to be real in a more caring way

We've learned to let a desire to help, rather than to offend, guide our reactions.

More resilience, more inner strength

From taking life's challenges and losses in our stride

We are able to cope because of all we've been through

We can take positive action because we have the gift of mature insight.

A greater sense of self-assurance

From knowing what we have achieved despite our disadvantages and limitations

We reached for the stars, and got as far as we could

Doing things in our own original way, and without imitation.

The gifts of getting older are all these things

The gifts of getting older are all these things, and more

Getting older may come with aches and heartaches and pains and disability

But there are so many gifts it has in store.

True or false: Getting older is not just about losses!

Suggested next reading: If You Take A Ride Down Memory Lane

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