Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Bills Will Come Due

Whatever we do
The bills will come due.

We can spend to excess
The bills will come due.

We can work and play, and never rest
The bills will come due.

We can consume, but not produce
The bills will come due.

We can pack on the pounds, and never reduce
The bills will come due.

We can rack up debt
The bills will come due.

We can ignore risks and threats
The bills will come due.

We can spend and never save
The bills will come due.

We can give into every alluring, fancy or tasty thing we crave.
The bills will come due.

We can have only one MOA (mode of action) which is to complain
The bills will come due.

We can make excuses, but never change
The bills will come due.

We can avoid doing our share
The bills will come due.

We can pretend, but never truly care
The bills will come due.

We can strut and preen
The bills will come due.

We can take narcissism, image, and self-centeredness to extremes
The bills will come due.

We can encourage divisiveness with our rants
The bills will come due.

We can put guns and other life-killing weapons into the wrong hands
The bills will come due.

We can turn a blind eye to suffering
The bills will come due.

We can watch atrocities happen, and do nothing
The bills will come due.

We can admire people for the wrong reasons
The bills will come due.

We can fill our minds with ideas for a season
The bills will come due.

We can show no care for others
The bills will come due.

We can be only talk about being sisters and brothers
The bills will come due.

We can use money to solve problems, where it has no place
The bills will come due.

We can use power and status, or might and violence, to buy redemption and grace
The bills will come due.

We can ignore the truth, or the writing on the wall
But the bills will come due.

We can hem and haw, and just go shopping at the mail
But the bills will come due.

We can display an "I don't care, don't know" attitude
But the bills will come due.

Whatever we do
The bills will come due.

The bills will come due.

May as well go ahead and say, "Check please!".

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