Thursday, August 4, 2011

Which Household Object Best Symbolizes You?

Compulsively spewing out the latest news, gossip, crimes, tragedies of the hour

A Phone:
Serving as a communication bridge between people

A Throw:
Creating warmth wherever you are

A Calculator:
Keeping track of the numbers, the money going in and out

A Lamp
Shining a light where there is darkness, ignorance, prejudice, or fear

A Sponge:
Absorbing everything

A Work of Art
Finding joy in being looked at, admired, complimented and desired

An Alarm Clock
Keeping everyone and everything on schedule

None of these? Have fun thinking of the one household object that best symbolizes who you are.


ajay said...

another good post!

Minoo Jha said...

Ajay, with the cheer you spread, I would say the household object that best symbolizes you is a well-stocked bar...but I know you don't drink, so that wouldn't be appropriate:):)

Anonymous said...

Stocks & shares hamarey bas ki baath nahi...
I am all of those(household objects)and,I should find out from my well-wishers!
Your well-wisher.