Sunday, September 20, 2015

Meditations on Journeys - 3 : A Tribute to Amelia Earhart, St Paul, Neil Armstrong, Guru Nanak and More....

Some journeys are made to prove oneself equal to a challenge.
Some journeys are made to walk in the footsteps of a hero.
Some journeys are made to make history.
Some journeys are made to spread the word.
Some journeys are made to build bridges.
Some journeys are made to mend fences.
Each of our private stories is a journey.

A journey to build on the essence of who we are.

Eventually, we will discard all, but that which is essential to who we are.

I know that I am already on my way.

I won’t be surprised if you are too.             
20 years ago, I journeyed to America. 5 years ago, I started this blog.  Both journeys have been amazing. 

With your continued interest and support, I have crossed the 300th post on this blog. Thank you.

Thanks to Aarti, Ajay and David for their comments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins and votes.  Much appreciated …..M….a Pearl Seeker like you.

P.S.  When I reached my 100th post, I wrote a series of posts to mark that milestone.  This was one of them.

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