Sunday, September 17, 2017

25 Circumstances In Which You Should Consider Doubling Down On Your Resolve

When the money is worth it.
When the opportunity is worth it.
When it is essential to achieving your potential.
When you have a worthwhile goal.
When you have nothing to lose.
When you have a lot to learn.
When you really (really) want something.
If your conscience says you should.
If it’s a possible stepping stone to big things.
When your intuition tells you to.
When your financial position is at risk.
If it is what you need to do to tide over.
When a value that is important to you is on the line.
If it’s important to you not to feel like a quitter.
If it involves any habit you need to give up.
When you want to break a pattern.
If it’s a life and death situation.
When you’ve invested time and money, and victory feels close.
When people are depending on you.
When turning back would have negative consequences.
If your physical or emotional health will be positively impacted.
If it is important to your spiritual growth.
If it is important to your self-worth.
If it will increase your tolerance of challenges, frustration, and criticism.
If it will build your character.
When you double down on your resolve, you effectively create your own boot camp. 

Going through your personalized 'circumstantial' boot camp, will make you stronger, and more confident in your ability to handle tough challenges.

A quitter mentality never made anyone feel good.

An easy-way-out mentality never made anyone feel good.

It is your hard achievements which will make you feel good.

Make sure your goals are hard and worthwhile goals to pursue.

Then resolve to double down, even triple down, on your resolve to achieve those goals.

I urge you to bump up your motivation to a new level by reading 2 other posts.

A post about breaking out of convenience, comfort and the status quo, and going for something bigger. Here's a sampling of that post, taken from its concluding lines:

"You can’t write a blog without actively choosing fear.

When you sit down to write a post, you fear being boring, being repetitive, being out of touch, and being irrelevant.

I face that fear every week when I sit down to write. 

Convenience.  Comfort.  Status Quo.

Inconvenience.  Discomfort. Breakthrough.

The fact that I am still writing tells you what my spirit has chosen."

Intrigued as a terrified writer, or as a terrified "whatever"? You can read the post here.

Another post which I urge you to read has this powerful message from Joe De Sena of Spartan Up fame: 

“When you break through the other side of hell and finish an event that did not seem possible, that stopped you in your tracks, over and over, something happens.  You feel accomplished, incredibly proud of yourself, and in some ways, a different person”

You can read this post with its Joe De Sena inspirations here.
As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.  Like you I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom hidden in plain sight.

Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you. 

Happy Birthday to those with September birthdays.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life. Don’t be afraid to double down on your resolve, to birth something new and wonderful in your life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well said, Minoo!Its all about charging yourself up, motivating yourself..."Doubling down, nay tripling down on your resolve"!Only then can you dare to dream, make the impossible, possible!And overcome your inherent achieve set goals....
Great post Minoo with appropriate links to your earlier inspiring posts!