Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quite Something

It was quite something to go to India after 20 years.

Experience after experience told me I had done the right thing.

India was wonderful and meaningful and fulfilling.

I met Arun's pal (and walking companion) Huggy for the first time.

I had the most wonderful breakfast and dinner conversations with my sister Christine every day.

I visited the magical creation built by Arun that is Sundance.

I went to Bangalore Club for an AK Ramanujan event.

I rediscovered how scary it was to ride in autorickshaws, but kept braving the experience again and again.

I visited old Bangalore haunts like Brigade Road and MG Road and Commercial Street.

I attended Sunday services at Bethel AG Church.

My friend Jacky performed her haircut wizardry on me and gave me a brand new look.

I tasted a variety of incredible  foods, including the very same biryani Jacky brought to the hospital when I delivered Tanita.

I spent a wonderful day visiting with Pauline and ate a delectable meal cooked by her.

I spent a wonderful day with Anita in which we bargained with street vendors, ate a Nepalese meal and listened to a talk by a Rinpoche.

I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Angela Brown and her family - which included delectable home-made Christmas plum cake and wine.

I visited  Nithya, Uday and Arpi in their beautiful home, and had a convivial time with Nina, Meera and Ananda there.

I met a bunch of Chris's old school friends, and was regaled by their stories.

I met the No. 1 supporter of this blog - Ajay - and celebrated his birthday with him at Woodys.

I went to Chennai, and had an enjoyable stay with Prema, catching up with Neema and Asha during my visit. I relished the long chats Prema and I had.

I met Malvika, and we gabbed about her trekking expeditions, and the books she was designing.

I caught up with Chetan over a glass of wine.

I spent an evening with Shreekant and Simmi at Shreekant's tricked out party home.

I met Kalyani, Padmini, Indu and Sangeeta at Wild Garden at Amethyst - and we relived our old HTA days. I found out the books Indu had written, the bespoke tailoring business Sangeeta had become known for, Kalyani's successful Wildertrails Outdoor Adventures company, and Padmini's latest owl and gardening adventures.

I stopped at Sang and Bijol's place.




Thanks to all who made it possible.

With gratitude and love,


P.S. While I was in India, Sangeeta sent me some lines she had penned, which I would like to share with you before I end this post:

It was spring
Nature claiming her own
Gently, seductively

Now it's autumn
The curtains falling hurriedly
To brave the winter

And this was what she penned for a friend who was slowly slipping away…

How do you thank the sun for warming your soul?
How do you thank the moon for the beauty it bestows?
How do you thank the wind for the spontaneity it brings?
How do you thank the stars for the magic they arouse>
How do you thank the Creator for the person who shared it all?

Thanks Sangeeta....enjoyed these creative pieces from your pen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was great meeting you Minoo!!!Glad you had a wonderful time!