Sunday, September 1, 2019

Life Is A Puzzle

And we are always looking for answers.

Should we go to college?

Should we not go to college?

Should we  switch tracks?

Should we drop out and not finish college?

Should we get a better job?

Should we give up full time work and start freelancing?

Should we go back to school?

What should we go back to school and do?

Should we eat whatever we want because life is short?

Should we eat right because what if life isn't short?

Should we buy a house or should we rent?

Should we junk our car and buy a new car?

Am I sick?

Am I well?

Am I a hypochondriac?

Is there a God?

What if there is no God?

What if there is a God?

Is there a Heaven?

What if there is no Heaven?

What if rebirth is true and I am going to be born as a rat?

Each of us arrives at our own answers to our questions.

Some of our questions are uniquely ours, some are universal questions every human being asks.

When we arrive at our own answer to a question, we think we have settled that particular question for life.

Then things happen.

"I can't break into my field in the U.S. - oh-oh".

"I have an opportunity to become a Commissions Analyst - hmmm".

"I am suffering from a clinical depression - whoa".

Why becomes the question.

Why was fairy dust (like the Commissions Analyst opportunity) sprinkled in my life?

Why was gremlin dust (like the clinical depression)  sprinkled in my life?

We look for answers all over again.

How can I attract more of good things like the Commissions Analyst opportunity?

How can I avoid the bad things such as a clinical depression?

Can I even do that?

Am I even in control of things like that?

What is my future going to be like?

Am I going to be okay?

We will be looking for answers to questions like this all our life.

It's part of being human.

And I, for one, think it ranks up there as one of the most wonderful parts of being human.

Even if you find out some of your previous answers are wrong.

Even when the questioning seems to be excessive and not getting us anywhere.

I say, go ahead - be human.

Ask those questions.

And ask the questions that come from those questions.

And the questions that come from those questions.

Ask all the questions people have asked, and some new ones.

You may just find the answer to a question no one ever has been able to find an answer to before.

Even if it's a puzzle only applicable to yourself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true, Minoo! Life is indeed a challenge, an opportunity and a great game!Play it!