Sunday, January 12, 2020

You Are Not...

You are not your weight.

You are not the wrinkles on your face, or the stoop in your gait.

You are not your fancy address, or your less than fancy address.

You are not the cars you drive, or the cars you do not drive.

You are not the money you have to spend, or the money you don't have to spend.

You are not the valuables you own, or the vacations you take.

You are not your assets.

You are not your achievements, or lack of achievements.

You are not your circumstances.

You are not the power and resources you are able to command, or not command.

You are not your emotional stability, or lack of emotional stability.

You are not the designer brands of clothing you are able to afford, or the designer brands of clothing you are not able to afford.

You are not your diet, or lack of diet, your health, or lack of health.

You are not your energy, or lack of energy.

You are not your calendar.

You are not the outward trappings of success.

You are not your impaired hearing, or your deteriorating vision.

You are not your aches and pains, or your medical conditions.

You are not your politics, or lack of politics.

You are not your religion, or lack of religion.

You are the love you have for others, and the love you show to others.

You are the respect you have for others, and the respect you show to others.

You are the dignity with which you hold others, and the dignity with which you treat them.

You are a good friend, a good parent, a good partner, a good child, a good brother and a good sister.

That’s who you are.
And that is all that counts.

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