Sunday, August 16, 2020

Magician Magician

Magician Magician

What's in your hat?
Could it be a cure for Covid, or
At least a vaccine, pray that?

I don't have a vaccine
Said the magician looking into his hat
But I have lots of home office equipment
How about that?

Magician Magician

Please look again
We want a vaccine or a cure
Or we will go insane

Hmm…I don't seem to have that
Said the magician stroking his chin
Then he pulled out a fancy sewing machine
With a big grin

Magician Magician

Pray, what can we do with that?
Why, you can make masks, and you can make clothes, dears
C'mon, put on your thinking hats

Magician Magician

What else? - can you take a look
This may help I think, he said
And pulled out some books

Magician Magician

But what if we don't like to read?
Psssh he said…there are cookbook, craft books, mystery books, and spiritual books,
In fact, I have every kind of book you can possibly need

Magician Magician

We can try cooking, but what shall we make?
Start with juices, soups, and salads, he said
And then go on to your favorite bakes

Magician Magician

Is there a cure or vaccine yet?
Afraid not, said the magician peering,
It's a bicycle next

And hair cutting kits he said, and games to play
And backyard pools and computer trays

Magician Magician

What do you wish was in your hat?
It's patience, dear, patience
But I don't have that.

And so the magician kept pulling out things from his hat
But what we need is patience
And he doesn't have that.

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