Sunday, August 2, 2020

You Take The Red Pill

How does one be a realist without being negative?
You take the red pill
You accept the cards you have been given
Even if the road ahead is all uphill.

You take the red pill.

A winning spirit is necessary
The belief that things will work out
The belief that problems are just challenges to be solved
And solutions will never run out.

You take the red pill.

Acceptance is necessary
The understanding of where you are
The understanding that in spite of the cards you've been dealt
You can still get quite far.

You take the red pill.

Courage is necessary
The boldness to rise
The boldness to show an undefeated spirit
In spite of every trial.

You take the red pill.

Determination is necessary
The staying power to keep on
The staying power to never give up
Until the water from your life's well is drawn.

You take the red pill.

Creativity is necessary
The imagination to see your dreams come true
The imagination to see you and everyone you love in a better place
And a happier, more fulfilled, and more secure you.

 You take the red pill.

Inner strength is necessary
The ability to bounce back from blows
The ability to get back on your feet
Even when setbacks bring you low.

You take the red pill.

Faith is necessary
The power of believing
The ability to hold on to faith's strong grasp
Even when it's threatened by sorrow or grieving.

You take the red pill.

If you take the red pill, dear friend
It will give you a different kind of pride
The pride of being a victor even in the toughest of circumstances
A pride money, power, position, or status can't buy.


Dear Reader, what does taking the red pill mean? It means dealing with the messy and complex business of reality.  Choosing to face up to whatever life throws at you - with the right attitude. I have seen many of you do that.  In fact, it is your example that inspired me to write this post. I want to inspire others to follow the path you have taken. This is my intention in writing this Take The Red Pill post. Thank you for giving me that inspiration.

P.S. On a different note, in doing research on the red pill, I stumbled across an article on what taking the red pill and facing up to reality is in an advertising context. Do read it and tell me what you think. The link to the article is here.

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