Sunday, September 27, 2020

Believing In The Future


Believing in the future

Is an important key to success

If you think only of immediate payoffs

You will spend rather than invest.


You will think only of doing things

That make it look like you stack up

It's easy to create the illusion of living well

In spite of not having enough.


Spending it up and looking good

Can make you feel like you have rank

But remember the true secret of success

Is having assets and money in the bank.


For that you have to start making decisions

Focused on the future, instead of the present

It always takes sacrifices

And making decisions that are unpleasant.


It will probably mean cutting your expenses down

And putting more money (than you have been doing) aside

It may mean going out and earning more money

Putting aside your excuses (oh we are so good at those)

And putting aside your pride.


Make all your decisions thinking about tomorrow

And sooner or later, you will have built

A rock solid foundation

To confidently meet your current and future bills.


So believe in the future

Earn, save, and invest

The seeds you sow today

Will ensure you have no regrets.


Dear Reader. I wish you the best for today. And I wish you the best for tomorrow. I hope you will take my message to heart. Summed up in 3 words, it is….Think Looooooooooooooooong Term! Think Long Term Over Short Term.

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