Sunday, October 18, 2020

Time Be More Kind


Time be more kind

Don't take away the feet I use

If you give me carbuncles and plantar

What a waste of all those lovely shoes.


Time cut me some slack

Don't take away what I can eat

If you give me dyspepsia and gum disease

What a waste of all those treats.


Time be more compassionate

Don't take away the use of my hands

If you give me arthritis, or numbness

What a waste of those artistic visions so grand.


Time be more tender-hearted

Don't take away the use of my lungs,  or weaken my vocal chords or breathing

If you give me breathlessness, or an inability to use my voice

What a waste of all the songs and hymns I love to sing.


Time be more gentle

Don't  take away my ability to go out on the town

If you take away the language of my limbs

What a waste of those elegantly tailored suits and gowns.


Time be more generous

Don't make my days full of ails

If you give me more bad days than good

What a waste of those splendid parks and trails.


Time be more considerate

Don't take away the underpinnings of my leisure

If you take away my ability to walk, drive, or fly

What a waste of earth's amazing treasures.


Time, are you listening?

No, I see there's no appeal.

Well, go ahead then, wreak all the havoc you want on my body.

My spirit and soul you can't steal.


Time, did you hear me?

No, it appears you don't seem to care much


My spirit and soul you can't touch.


Time, time, time…listen up

I hope I've made it clear.

Read my lips, my body is not the end of it.

My spirit and soul are still here.


Case closed.


Dear Reader, this post is dedicated to anyone who is fighting the ravages of time or disease, and to honor the memories of those who have shown us, that though time and disease may take away anything from us, and in some cases everything from us, they cannot take away our spirit and soul. 

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