Sunday, December 6, 2020

Someone You Can Talk To


Someone you can talk to

That's who I want to be

Someone who doesn't interrupt

And listens attentively.


Someone who hears others out

Casting judgment aside

Someone with whom personal truths are safe

Someone to whom no one has to lie.


Someone who no one is afraid of

When there are delicate or uncomfortable truths to share

Someone who won't laugh, jeer, or judge

If anyone lays their soul and mistakes bare.


We should all try to become that person

Who makes becoming a better listener their aim

Thought it's not easy, we should strive to listen with patience and undivided attention

And do so, without judgment, condemnation, or blame.


To hear someone and to understand them

Is a powerful way to bring meaning

To any conversation that goes beyond surface talk

And allows others to express their true feelings.


To listen to someone in a heartfelt way

Is a way to cherish and connect

It doesn't take more than an expansive heart

And a willingness to show attention, caring, and respect.


So let's become listeners, you and I

So we can be a port in any storm

And when the waves come crashing down on anyone

Our listening skills can be counted on.

1 comment:

Premcomm said...

I cant be one. Wish i could get one