Sunday, August 1, 2021

No Matter Where We Are


No matter where we are

Along the road of a troubled or unsettled life

We should remember we are living and vital beings

Who at any moment, can a new and different reality ignite.

We may have to regain our confidence

That in this new reality, we will be able to thrive, not just survive

But the resources are there, and others have walked the path before us

To successfully make a marked change in their lives.

What will it take ?

The answer may well be

Curiosity and a willingness to give things a try or retry

Perhaps those very things we think are useless and won't work

When we try again, just might.

Yes, a fulfilling and satisfying new reality is not elusive and beyond our reach

And always and ever within our sights

We just have to heed rather than run away from the stop sign that says

This way to a new and more vibrant life.

Once we break out of our current beliefs, habits, and ways,

Leaving fear, hesitation, and reluctance behind

We will be on our way to restoration and renewal,

On our way to hope, well-being, and a positive state of mind.

Yes, no matter where we are, dear reader

Along the road of a troubled or unsettled life

A new beginning awaits us

The minute we make room for (and step into)

A positive change in our lives.

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