Sunday, October 31, 2021

Never Is A Terrible Word

Never is a terrible word

Let me explain why

If you say "I will never make it in this job or field"

You will only give yourself the excuse not to try.

If you say "I will never find another (partner, pet, friend)

So wonderful and so sweet"

You will deprive yourself of the possibility

Of so many lovely beings and pets to meet.

If you say, "I will never find satisfaction"

You will never be able to learn to meditate or adapt

You will never be able to reach the point

Where you experience abundance instead of lack.

If you say "I will never be able to catch up

I am too far behind"

You will create a half-hearted spirit

And pursue your goals with only half a mind.

And finally,  if you say, "I will never be able to halt the downward spiral"

When your life is thrown into disarray

You will find it hard to find the courage and will

To say "There is hope and I will find a way".

Yes, dear reader, "never" is a terrible word

It is a word you should never use

To protect your passion, your spirit, your hopes for the future, and your love for life

"Never" is a word I suggest you lose.

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