Sunday, June 12, 2022

I Knocked On The Door

I knocked on the door.

Are you Buddhist, Christian, Mohammedan, Hindu, Jew, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Pagan, Atheist, Other, a voice declared.

It's only love I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, trans, a voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you Native American, Asian American, Hispanic, Hispanic Non-White, White, African American, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Libertarian, Independent, Tea Party, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you diabetic, hypertensive, infectious, contagious, had a cough in the last week, allergic to anything, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you business, government, law, military, teaching, medicine, white collar, blue collar, homeless, other, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you blue state, red state, swing state, coastal state, mid-west state, southern state, northern state, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you Communist, Capitalist, Socialist, Post-Modern, Fascist, Maoist, Anarchist, a voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


I knocked on the door.

Are you Brahmin, Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya, the voice declared.

It's only love, I said.


knocked on the door.

The door opened and I sped effortlessly through a blazing tunnel of light,  not on my feet, more like a bird as if I had wings.

There was no voice.

I was enveloped in love and light.

And it was as if I had entered a place of continuous daylight and no night.

It's only love, I said.

It's only love, and all love, the voice declared.

Where was I?

And then I realized …

This was the promise

The promise made long ago!

It's only love!


I was where there was only love

And only light.


In loving memory of David, and the other members of my family - birth family and earth family - who are on the other side of the door.

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