Sunday, June 19, 2022

Juneteenth 2022

Sorry is the hardest thing to say

We humans don't have the humility

Throughout history, we humans have been too bold or too proud to admit wrongdoing

And this has accounted for unacknowledged acts of terrible brutality.


Abuse, cruelty, oppression, marginalization, torture, killing

We've done terrible things to those powerless and without a say

Worse, we've used religion, law, power, tribalism, opportunism, brute force, and false and artificial social divisions and rules

To be callous about the generational suffering caused along the way.


Juneteenth is here to remind us

Of the terrible things we humans have done to others for pride, for lust, and for gain

Things which no humans on earth should be made to endure

And for which we collectively deserve to hang our heads in shame.


Dear reader, let's each one of us take a moment on Juneteenth

To say sorry for a past filled with terrible suffering

And to make a personal and collective pledge

To do everything in our power not to repeat any of those things.


On a personal note,  I would like to say sorry to each and every person to whom I have caused pain, harm, or suffering intentionally and unintentionally, personally or collectively in my life. I am truly sorry.

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