Sunday, April 9, 2023

True or False: Questions For Your Creative Self

(yes, you have one - everybody has a creative self)

Your discipline and industry will determine your long-term success, influence, and impact more than your talent.

Creativity requires you to entertain one possibility after another after another - you don't stop at the first or second idea.

Worrying too much about how much money or praise your work will get, will only get in the way of your creativity. You should think only about what you want to do when you sit down to create.

You can take up a new activity at any age, and in fact your creativity and art may come to its full flourishment only as you age.

If you dedicate yourself to getting better at what you do, you will find better tools and better ideas as you go along - it's the way of creativity.

Creating things will bring you as much joy as consuming things. That is why everyone who cooks finds it as much fun to cook, as it is to eat what they cook.

If you are fully present and do not allow yourself to be distracted while working on what you are creating, you will enjoy it more, and your results will be better too.

Your age is not determined by your wrinkles, or a bent back, or your inability to walk far or fast, but by your willingness to be open, curious, and continuously interested in making, growing, understanding, and creating things.

You have a better chance of creating when you are “interested,” “excited,” “enthusiastic,” and “inspired”, so you should do whatever it takes to get into that state and stay in that state.

As you keep going down the creative path, you will find challenges entertaining more than frustrating. "How do I do this?" becomes an interesting and engaging puzzle.

Finally, time flies when you are creating. You realize that your back or your hand is hurting, or that mosquitoes have chewed you up, or that it's way past your mealtime or bedtime, only when you stop.

πŸ₯🐣🐰πŸ₯🐣🐰 Happy Easter Dear Reader. To you and yours. And to your creative self. Hope you create wonderful memories (not just wonderful things) today and everyday🐰🐣πŸ₯🐰🐣πŸ₯

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