Sunday, April 2, 2023

When You Write...

Some may find you entertaining,

Some may find you trite,

This is what you can expect,

When you write,

When you write.


Some won't give you the time of day,

Some will send likes and compliments your way,

This is the price you have to pay,

When you write,

When you write.


Some will say you don’t get to the point,

Some will with pleasing words your prose or poetry anoint,

Don’t let the lukewarm and less than hearty responses get you out of joint,

When you write,

When you write.


Some might tell you they take inspiration from your words,

Some might only point out what they find lacking or absurd,

For both good and bad feedback, you must gird,

When you write,

When you write.


Some might review you in glowing prose,

Others might tell you where you were shoddy or verbose,

Reception to your writing will be different, both amongst friends and amongst foes,

When you write,

When you write.


And if all of the above makes your spirits sink,

And you think it must be avoided by copious red ink,

My advice to you dear reader is to edit but not overthink,

When you write,

When you write.


Yes, stay strong dear writer, whatever it is you are inspired to say,

Don't let the lack of perfection, or the fear of negative reactions, scare you away,

Let your words be seen and heard, and let them fall where they may,

Hit the submit or publish button,

When you write,

When you write.


Dedicated to writers everywhere.

Professional writers like Stephen King.

And amateur writers who got to 645 posts by practicing what they preach (guess who).


Read this next…How Do You Upset The Status Quo? 

Or this: What Are the Downsides to a Person Being a Striver?

And last but not least, read this quote on writing regularly. Writing and publishing regularly is what serves a writer most of all:

“First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won’t. Habit is persistence in practice.” ― Octavia Butler

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