Sunday, January 28, 2024

Leave a Personal and Professional Legacy You Can Be Proud Of

You want to inspire budding entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams

You want to inspire writers and artists to write and paint more

You want to inspire fashion designers and fashionistas to keep innovating

You want to inspire musicians to come out with new scores.


You want to inspire the unadventurous to do something new and a little scary, but worthwhile

You want to inspire people to conquer their fears

You want  to inspire the weak-intentioned to be stronger in their intentions

You want to inspire procrastinators to take the first step.


You want to pass on ideas, thoughts, and compliments that could be useful

You want to build confidence, so people are courageous enough to take a chance on themselves

You want to build confidence by saying “you can do this” or “you got this”

You want to be accessible, supportive, and always ready to listen and help.


You want to help people get through challenges

You want to be a calm, caring, reassuring voice, when things get tough

You want to give people the confidence, not just to handle the day to day

But also the strength to deal with the uncomfortable, difficult stuff.


These are the things you can do as a boss, parent, mentor, well-wisher

And if you do, here’s what the satisfaction will be -

You know you would have changed lives

By helping people achieve their potential and their destiny.

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