Sunday, January 14, 2024

Upper Case MINOO Lower Case minoo

Upper Case MINOO had to be first in line.

Lower Case minoo will patiently wait her turn.


Upper Case MINOO was self-conscious, self-absorbed, and shy.

Lower Case minoo has become more comfortable about interacting with different people.


Upper Case MINOO would get worked up about the way other people were driving on the road.

Lower Case minoo keeps calm, because other drivers will do what they do.


Upper Case MINOO could never stop arguing, once she got into an argument.

Lower Case minoo has learned to shut up (well, not fully, but she is a lot better at it).


Upper Case MINOO thought nothing of walking out of anything she didn't like - events, jobs, relationships.

Lower case minoo is less impulsive, and less impetuous.


Upper Case MINOO was a Tiger Mom and Helicopter Mom rolled in one.

Lower Case minoo is a reformed Tiger Mom-Helicopter Mom, a Hippie Mom of sorts.


Upper Case MINOO could not resist acting on the ups and downs of the stock market

Lower Case minoo is able to sit on her hands, even during steep drops.


Your turn.

Create a list like mine - with  Upper Case and Lower Case versions of yourself. 

If you are comfortable sharing 1 or 2 of your observations about yourself, I would love to hear them. 

You can do that via comments on Blogger, or comments on Facebook.


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