Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Deepest Longing of A Soul

The deepest longing of a soul

Is for a city beyond the self

Where the temporary and the physical don't matter

And where only the eternal dwells.


Where your thirst is not for water or wine

And your hunger is not for bread

Where comfort is not found in an earthly breeze

Nor rest in an earthly bed.


The longing is for truth, beauty, wonder, love

Out of this world, and not on this earthly plane

The longing is for a grace and reconciliation, that defies description and definition

And cannot be described in terms of worldly joy or worldly pain.


It is filled with wonder, and a sense of mystery

It is filled with a passion, that sometimes spills over to awe

It is persistent and eternal, and never ends

Which is why, no matter how much you are filled...

You find yourself still wanting more.

You find yourself still wanting more.

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