Sunday, September 8, 2024

What is a unique lesson that life has taught me?


What is a unique lesson that life has taught me?

Life has taught me that I should never say never.

I have done so many things in my life, that I thought I would never do.

I thought I would never get married, or have a child.

I did.

I thought I was not a numbers person.

I was wrong.

After I got burned investing in stocks in India, I thought I would never invest in stocks again.

I was wrong.

I thought I would never learn to drive.

I was wrong.

I thought I would never learn to cook, and I would never enjoy cooking.

I was wrong.

When my advertising copywriting career ended, and year after year passed without me putting pen to paper, I thought I would never write again.

I was wrong.

So one of the unique lessons life has taught me is never say never! :)

P.S. Chances are that you have done, and are doing, many things you never thought you would be doing, some of which are new, and that you weren't doing even a few years ago. Am I right? Let me know if I am right.

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