Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What Your Starbucks Drink Says About You

(Based on the preferences of my teenage daughter and her friends - and my own ham analysis)...

Tall Extra Coffee Caramel Frappuchino: - There’s a Tiger Mom somewhere in the background. Your lot probably includes multiple AP classes and first period class would be impossible without the extra caffeine. 

Grande Chai Iced Tea with Soy Milk: - You bear the classic marks of a starter health nut – tea and soy milk.

Passion Tea Lemonade Grande: - You are an individualist.  When others zig, you zag.

Tall Anything With Vanilla: - You are easy going and uncomplicated. Stay that way. 

Vente Mocha Coconut Frappuchino: – You are a party animal.  You like to be where the fun is.

Vente Iced Non-Fat Chai Latte: - You pride yourself on your physique.  Either that, or this is your way to fool people you are fitness focused.

Tall Iced Coffee: - You are financially savvy and know the value of money.

Grande Double Chocolate Chip Frappuchino with Peppermint: - You are a novelty-seeker; a Martha Stewart’s dream come true. 

Any Size Double Chocolate Chip Frappuchino: - Sneaky, but clever.  This kind of order can only be placed when someone else is picking up the tab.

Tall Tap Dispensed H2O: - 2 alternate futures await you. A Gandhian future.  A Warren Buffett future.  Which will you pick?

P.S.  Hope you enjoyed these Starbucks personality profiles from the Folgers-addled brain of an amateur psychologist - even if before you came to the end, you decided you were disgusted with the stereotyping, and furthermore, "she does not know beans!" Guilty on both counts.
P.S. 2:  This post is dedicated to the Tall Extra Coffee Caramel Frappucino in my life.  Tiger Mom (partially reformed) loves you. Thanks also to the students of Santa Teresa High who shared their Starbucks preferences with us.
P.S. 3: Inspiration for this post came from a P.G. Wodehouse character called Mr. Mulliner. Mr. Mulliner is the resident raconteur of Angler's Rest Pub, where he and his bar buddies are known only by their beverages. Mr. Mulliner is a Hot Scotch and Lemon.  If you are curious about Wodehouse, you should read Splendid Post, What! by guest poster Ajay Sachdev.
P.S. 4: More than one reference has been made to Tiger Mom in this post. Who or what is Tiger Mom?  The book below informs you.  If you are too lazy to read and would rather watch a video,  you can view Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central taking on Tiger Mom at this link.  
As  always thanks for reading! 


Ajay said...

Another great post from the prolific pen of Minoo Sigmund Jha Freud.
Good work, Minoo !

Minoo Jha said...

Thanks, Ajay.

This is not the first time I've put on my psychologist's hat.

In my post The Trapeze Artist and the Commissions Analyst, I refer to "Disneyland types".

Some people never give up.