Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where Juliet Pinto beats Freida Pinto...

...on my blog!

Big Jaws Venus Fly Trap Plant - CARNIVOROUS - Dionaea 

My next guest poster is Juliet Pinto. On Saturday, I will publish her enchanting story Audrey 3.

As a way of introducing Juliet to you, here’s a quick pop quiz:

Juliet Pinto is...
a) dancer
b) a dance teacher
c) a writer
d) all of the above
Answer:  d) Juliet Pinto is all of the above

In Juliet’s family, the number of people who dance and teach dance is...
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3. (And the family owns the popular Bay Area Dance Attack Studios and is involved in the Arts in numerous other ways.)
Answer: c) 3. (And the family owns the popular Bay Area Dance Attack studios and is involved in the Arts in numerous other ways)

When she is not writing, Juliet is teaching or choreographing which dance routines...
a) Jazz
b) Breakdancing
c) Ballet
d) Hip-Hop
Answer: a) b) c) and d).  Juliet is an expert in all these forms of dance. To find out which classes she currently teaches, contact Dance Attack

Juliet completed her BA in English from which Bay Area College...
a) San Jose State
b) Santa Clara University
c) Evergreen College
d) De Anza College
Answer:  a) San Jose State

Juliet was one of the cheerleaders in which movie?
a) Bring it On
b) Bring it On 2
c) Legally Blonde
d) Legally Blonde 2
Answer: d) Legally Blonde 2

Juliet has appeared in which of these music videos...
a) Dimples by John Lee Hooker
b) Written on My Heart by Plus One
c) Block Party by Lisa Lefteye Lopez
Answer: All of the above

And finally, the setting for Juliet’s story is which of the following:
a) A beach
b) An indoor garden
c) The future
d) A haunted house
Answer: b) An indoor garden

If the picture of the Venus Fly Trap clued you to guessing "indoor garden", kudos to you and your observation skills.

So gardeners (and it seems almost every single one of you readers is one), may I suggest the following steps for you on Saturday...

Step 1 - Put down your watering can.

Step 2 - Take off those garden slippers.

Step 3 -  Put your feet up on a comfy stool.

Step 4 - Power up your Iphone, Android phone,  Ipad, Playbook, Laptop or PC.

Step 5 – Link to my Blog through Facebook, Twitter, or by typing Minoo Jha Audrey 3 in your Google Search box.

And then get ready to lose yourself in the truly delightful story, Audrey 3. Which will make you fall in love with your house plants all over again.  (If you weren’t anthropomorphizing them before, after reading Juliet's piece, you will.)

Coming this Saturday...Juliet’s piece Audrey 3 about a Venus Fly Trap.

P.S. Since we are on the subject of gardening, here are some valuable gardening links for you:

A link to Lifestyle Expert Mar Jennings’ Best Gardening Tips here.
Videos from e-how Garden on growing your own food and more here.
And gardening advice from Better Homes and Gardens Australia here. (note this is the down under version because I have many friends down under including Heather, Patty, Virgie, Deepa, Sandra, Simon, Susie and Marissa)
Finally, if you want to buy or gift someone The Houseplant Expert by D. G. Hessayon, a horticultural expert of international renown who has won numerous awards, you can access the Amazon link to his book here...

Don’t Forget to Mark Your Calendars for Audrey 3 on Saturday.  Thanks.


ajay said...

can't wait 2 read it, minoo......
great teaser !

Vinitha said...

I found your post interesting, filled with humour and very well written. I remember those tutoring days. I did a bit of that too. Looking forward to read more.

Minoo Jha said...

Ajay....please do read Audrey 3...it's a great read!

Minoo Jha said...

Vinitha - so glad to hear from you. Great to hear you enjoyed the post. So you were in the tutoring business too, huh. I wonder whether we should form an alumni club of tutors